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Returning to SWTOR


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Hello everyone, I took a break for a few months from SWTOR, been playing other games and mmos, but then I felt a bit nostalgic with this game in general, I kind of missed the story progression, the art style and the sci-fi visuals, never been much of a SW fan or the autocombat system, but I rather play this than any other fantasy generic mmo right now.


One main reason that made me leave in the past was the lack of me connecting to anyone on this server, in other mmos, I always managed to eventually make a few friends I would play/RP with, but here it felt all very close and exclusive, and people would turn their nose up at you if you did not belong to a guild or went to the right planets to RP.


So, bottom line, the reason I stay in an mmo is for the people I meet, and play with, and if I am to stay here, I need to remedy to that, so your suggestions are welcomed, and please, suggest something other than "Join a guild", because in my days among "normal" people that wasn't necessary to make friends, although if you have the name of a good guild I will look it up too.

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There's a thread taking place, about people who don't know many other people, forming up a guild. :)

I've already discussed with a couple. What's your game name, I'll add you for some good casual rp.

Other than that, forums are the best choice !


Yup seen than, but I thought I am not really "shy" so I was a bit uncertain weather or not to join up with them, maybe I could tour and see what's it like.


Last I left a Jedi Consular at level 48 I think, but I wanted to either try a smuggler or a Jedi knight next, I will level them all the way out of the starting planets, then make a decision on which of the 2 to go for and let you know :)


By the way, I was quite happy to see the planets alive with people again, I hope it will last this time!

Edited by Black_Rabbit
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I am conflicted now about this choice.


I made and played both characters a good while, and I see more potential in the RP for the smuggler, however, I already have a fully healer specced consular, and I would like to go full DPS with this new character, but I have been repeatedly told that I won't find any groups if I do that, and only if I have super-uber PvE equipment that I will have a chance to be taken in by groups.


I find this rather sad, because I cannot play what I want, I have to play what the server wants, because if I do not, I get kicked and pushed aside, and now I am thinking to just go with Jedi guardian, at least tanks are sought after I would think.

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Hi Black_Rabbit


feel free to add me to your friends list , if i am free i wil be happy to help you out or tag along to die with you what ever comes first :) if your on the light side :)



Edited by akkerin
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