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Marauded: Tales of the Wrath (Sith Warrior Story Spoilers)


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Second fanfic attempt, warning many spoilers for Act III of the SW story. Enjoy!



Characters: (Note: List will expand as chapters are added)

Ravvok Skathlonn - Sith Marauder, Human Male

Malavai Quinn - Imperial Captain, Human Male

Jaesa Willsaam - Sith Apprentice, Human Female

Kaddo Ravvess - Bounty Hunter Mandalorian Male

Lt. Pierce - Imperial Commando, Human Male



Chapter 1


Transponder Station, 12 ATC


Malavai Quinn lay weakened and broken on the floor. He couldn't get over the fact that he had failed his mission: To assassinate Darth Baras' old apprentice, Ravvok Skathlonn. He had programmed two precision war droids meant to take him down, but what Quinn hadn't accounted for was everything Ravvok held back when the mischievous captain was present. This mistake made Quinn pay dearly. He saw the shadow of his would-be prey and looked up to stare right into Ravvok's lightsaber blade. He regretted his choice to obey Baras instantly, and felt even worse when Ravvok spoke.


"You're a terrible excuse for an officer, you worthless pile of trash" Ravvok said.


"I was only following my superior's orders, my lord" Quinn weakly responded.


"You're as blind as a newborn womp rat!" Ravvok shouted, kicking Quinn in his nearly-broken ribcage. "Could you not see that Baras knew you were going to fail? Could you not see that you had lost your worth to him, that he would throw you away?"


Quinn tried to respond, but he was too weak. All he heard was Ravvok mutter the word idiot and then his vision went dark. He found himself in the medbay onboard the Astral Annihilator, Ravvok's ship. When the captain awoke he saw Jaesa standing over him, tending to his broken ribcage.


"Jaesa?" Quinn asked.


"What is it, Malavai?" she replied in the calm voice she would use whenever Quinn was troubled.


"Do you think he'd ever forgive me?" the captain asked, not sure what the future would hold.


"He's an honorable Sith. Ravvok may be sadistic and cruel sometimes, but he's still a person. He didn't force me to the dark side, and I'm happy about that" Jaesa responded sweetly.


Quinn felt better about the situation at hand. Jaesa had a point: although he was typical Sith in a sense that he committed acts of random cruelty and always sold out someone who was insubordinate, Ravvok was honorable. He granted anyone capable to defend themselves an opportunity to do just that. Quinn closed his eyes and rested. He would need any he could get if he were to speak with Ravvok again.



Fury-class Interceptor Astral Annihilator, 12 ATC


Ravvok leaned over the ship's holocom. He still couldn't come to terms with Quinn's betrayal. The cold, hard fact that hurt the most was that his most trusted officer would turn on him just because Baras said to. Ravvok felt that he had over-reacted a bit on the situation. After all, Quinn was simply following orders. It was Baras who was to blame. Ravvok's old master was as ruthless as always. One thing Ravvok was curious about was why Baras sent one of his best men on an ill-fated mission. Perhaps Baras couldn't have foretold what happened. Perhaps Quinn had lost his use. Perhaps the Dark Councillor was desperate to get rid of his former apprentice. Ravvok decided on the last one and went to the bridge where he saw Pierce at the helm.


"How long until we arrive at Vaiken Spacedock?" Ravvok asked, arms crossed as he stared at the blue void of hyperspace.


"Shouldn't be much longer. We have been traveling for a while" Pierce replied.


The lieutenant was probably wondering about the incident. Ravvok's suspicions were confirmed when the question came up.


"So, about the transponder station..." Pierce began.


"No, I will not delve into any of it" Ravvok replied firmly.


"C'mon. The only person Quinn opened up to about it was Jaesa, and then he made her swear she wouldn't tell anyone about it. In fact, he only tells us some things, but tells Jaesa everything! That's a bit weird, right?" Pierce ranted on.


The lieutenant was clearly bored because he wouldn't stop rambling. Ravvok left him and went to look for Jaesa, keeping what Pierce had said about Quinn only telling Jaesa everything. He strolled through the halls of the Annihilator, finally reaching a small storage room which Ravvok had converted to meditation room. He stepped in and saw Jaesa just beginning a meditation trance, but she stopped when she noticed Ravvok.


"Master, I didn't expect you to come looking for me" she said, surprised.


"I need to speak with you about something" Ravvok asked.


"Of course, master" she replied, standing up.


"I sense you and Quinn have a... connection" the Sith said.


"Oh?" Jaesa questioned inquisitively.


"You are the only one he confers with about his troubles. Surely you two are... comfortable... with each other. Tell me, is this true?" Ravvok stated.


Jaesa looked completely caught off-guard. She was about to say something, but the words didn't come out. Then she walked out of the meditation chamber to the crew quarters, probably to get some rest. Ravvok decided he'd let the matter hang, and he wouldn't question Quinn given the condition of the man. If the two indeed were having a relationship with each other, they clearly didn't want to talk about. Soon enough, the Astral Annihilator landed at Vaiken Spacedock and Ravvok departed from the ship to take care of some business.



Vaiken Spacedock, 12 ATC


Ravvok went directly from his ship to the spacedock's cantina where he was supposed to meet a bounty hunter. He had some extra work to deal with discounting the Baras situation, and he needed an extra pair of hands to take a load off his back. The bounty hunter, a human male named Kaddo Ravvess, was one of the best there was. A recent Great Hunt champion, Ravvess had a large portfolio full of his successful bounties, many of which were hard targets. *This particular bounty hunter also had a high price, but Ravvok was able and willing to pay. As the Sith Lord sat down at a table, a Mandalorian-armored man came in and sat down. He had an Imperial military standard-issue heavy blaster pistol on his hip and probably a whole lot of hidden weapons as well. Ravvok could see an extended-blade vibroknife on his other hip, probably for when he needed to take down Jedi. As the hunter sat down Ravvok began his talking.


"You're Kaddo Ravvess?" the Sith Lord asked.


"Indeed I am" the hunter replied. "So, what's the job?"


"There's a particular smuggler who's gotten a hold on strategically-key Imperial tactics. We cannot let those secrets get to the Republic. I need you to track down and kill this smuggler, as well as destroy the plans. If there is any word of those tactics on the black market, I'll gut you with my lightsabers simultaneously. Understood?" Ravvok asked.


"That's it? That's you're big job. As long as I get paid, I'm in. But still..." Kaddo said, shaking his head.


"Just do the job" Ravvok ordered.


The bounty hunter nodded and left. The Sith Lord departed a few minutes later back to the Astral Annihilator to get some rest before Correllia. According to what Ravvok had heard, that place was basically in the midst of a massive firefight.


Edited by Bird_of_Thunder
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