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(E) Late night (CST) Ops?


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So, I'm looking to get a group going for weekly late night SM ops. Possibly progress into harder ops later on.


Projected times are 12:30am - 5:30am CST. But there is some wiggle room on the start and end times, and nights are open for discussion.


My toon name is Magnys, no guild as of yet, but in the process of working up a name.


Presently looking for all classes and roles, so please feel free to contact me in game with questions or concerns.


Ops aren't the only interest, but the main one at present. Potential pvp, rp, etc in the future. As well as good conversation, hm fp runs, and alt leveling.


Farming content in HM Ops on your main in peak hours, but want to gear a favorite alt too? Come on down!

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