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Combat isn't as viable anymore.


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I've always been a Combat Sentinel, and as a Combat Sentinel your number one enemy is stuns. Now with the bubble stuns it is near impossible to play this spec, why? because this spec is heavily reliant on buffs and procs. Watchman and Focus are more viable against stuns because 1 Watchmans dots can simply knock the bubble off them while you are at a distance to no get stunned, 2 Focus....after one sweep you may get stunned but at least its not as dire as Combat because you got all the damage you could do in that sweep. Now with Combat, it requires more time on your target to get those buffs and that time = ZAP bubble stun. And once it wares off you know what else wared off, Precision, Combat Trance, etc etc so you have to do the exact same thing over again and most likely the same thing will happen again.


This spec may not be totally useless (every rated team needs one for the speed buff) but when it comes against bubble stunners it melts a good percent of the time.


What's your opinion on Combat Spec?

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I personally play combat because its faster feeling then the other specs and isnt as roll face on the keyboard as focus which i find boring. I used to be watchman but tryed out combat for a bit and had some fun with the burst etc then when they nerfed the self healing decided to stay combat because the self healing was the thing that made up for watchmans lack of burst which the other 2 specs had.


IDD that bubble stuns gimp the specs damage though, i'd say it literally halves my dmg when you insert a good bubble pop healer into the wz (yeye move out the way pop the bubbles etc but going throw the hassle of that is what halves the dmg not me getting stunned..) hopefully the bubble stuns get sorted soon though. It is definitely the squishiest spec out there but its always been like that. ALTHOUGH i queued with my friend who is a healer sage and he went bubble pop and the results where pretty devastating with people getting stunned for all my precision windows but ye bubbles need to be sorted :p


If anything for PVP its watchman that isnt as viable anymore since they halved the self healing on yourself which is what made it appealing to a lot of people. I mean sure the dmg is still there but you have to stay alive longer to deal the dmg...

Edited by AngusFTW
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I've always been a Combat Sentinel, and as a Combat Sentinel your number one enemy is stuns. Now with the bubble stuns it is near impossible to play this spec, why? because this spec is heavily reliant on buffs and procs. Watchman and Focus are more viable against stuns because 1 Watchmans dots can simply knock the bubble off them while you are at a distance to no get stunned, 2 Focus....after one sweep you may get stunned but at least its not as dire as Combat because you got all the damage you could do in that sweep. Now with Combat, it requires more time on your target to get those buffs and that time = ZAP bubble stun. And once it wares off you know what else wared off, Precision, Combat Trance, etc etc so you have to do the exact same thing over again and most likely the same thing will happen again.


This spec may not be totally useless (every rated team needs one for the speed buff) but when it comes against bubble stunners it melts a good percent of the time.


What's your opinion on Combat Spec?


It can be ridiculously frustrating to play sometimes. I have changed my opener and vary it now so that I am not as often interrupted with Master Strike. Combat is a LOT squishier than the Watchman was before the nerf. Not so sure how Watchman is now, I don't play it anymore.


When there are fewer stuns, Combat is beastly. When there are a lot of stuns, blinds, roots and snares, I feel like I want to give up sometimes. Still, I am learning to burst sage/sorcerer bubbles from a distance. Guardians, Shadows and the like are easier to fight, usually. You have to play Combat more carefully and cannot wade in as easily. When the crowd is thinned out, Combat can be very fun. In a melee mix, Combat can be too squishy.

Edited by Sappharan
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