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Bioware: Constructive Feedback


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I wanted to post some feedback about the game and hopefully other ppl will join in and post their thoughts aswell. Not sure this is the right forum, but the General section is so full of QQing it made my eyes hurt.


First of all I'd like to say that from what I've seen of the game so far it's really good. This is also the best launch of any MMO I've ever seen. Yes there are ques, yes there are features missing. That isn't surprising at launch.


I'm amazed at the stability and lack of bugs. At lvl 26, I'm yet to experience one single crash or dc. Well done Bioware!


Secondly, looking ahead at improvements there are some things I'd love to see. Some of them have been announced or hinted at already. But most importantly I'd like to say this


1. Please, please, please don't listen too much to the vocal minority on the forums who qq about everything. Don't nerf things that are hard. The entire game isn't supposed to be easy. There need to be challenges and a feeling of acomplishment when you overcome the challenges. Please don't give in to the kids crying that they can't solo this, or that you must nerf that. You're supposed to work fro progression, not be given it for free.


2. Its plain to see that you have looked alot at WoW when designing the game. I do hope however, that you are looking at other games aswell. For example, Everquest 2 has an amazing guild system (guild lvling, decoratable guild halls, ability to put amenities in your guild hall such as bankers, AH, travel facilities, vendors etc).


Other than that, I hope that with future expansions we will see a broadening of the game (an amazing guild system, excellent player housing like in SWG or EQ2, etc) and I hope this game wont be a pure Hack n slash game. We have WoW and Diablo for that.


Small things that would be nice is a revamp of the AH so you can do a free text search instantly, shared banking so you can easily trade stuff between your chars, and ofc a guild bank and a more customizable UI - but I know that is work in progress.

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1. From the depths of roleplay community, I beg, please please, make the chairs in cantinas usable for sitting in some near patches. Interactive enviroment in general is making the place more believable, easier to immerse in and enjoyable. It is the small details that often count. Chairs would be great start.


2. Nah, no 2, I am happy about the content so far and smooth launch too. Good work there BW.

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1. From the depths of roleplay community, I beg, please please, make the chairs in cantinas usable for sitting in some near patches. Interactive enviroment in general is making the place more believable, easier to immerse in and enjoyable. It is the small details that often count. Chairs would be great start.


2. Nah, no 2, I am happy about the content so far and smooth launch too. Good work there BW.


I agree comepletely, smoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooth as all hell for a launch.

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Thought of 2 more things. :)


I have several friends who will be joining the game at a later date than I did. By the time they start, I'll prob be lvl 35+. It would be great to have a mentoring-system, where you could adjust your own lvl to that of another member of your group. That way, a lvl 45 char could enjoy playing the game with his lvl 10 friends. It would allow both chars to earn xp, and you would get the enjoyment of having a challenge - not just speed through the content at lvl 45 uber-powers.


Also, it would be nice if the skill points could be gained independantely of lvl. As a separate xp-bar so you could gain skill points faster or slower than combat lvl depending on how much xp you assign to skills, and how much you assign to your lvl. This would allow you to lvl at a slower pace, staying longer to enjoy lower lvl zones, while at the same time still making your character stronger.

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