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Availablity of Augment Schematics ???


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I started Armormech explicitly for the augment capability. Then I found that there aren't any augment schematics on the Crew Skills Trainer. Furthermore, the low end schematics on the GTN are priced well out of reach for my noob Agent toon, which again seems crazy - the schematics needed by poor toons are the most expensive.


So, how do I get augment schematics independent of the GTN? Does the RE trick still work and/or is it still not considered an exploit ? I suppose that would be a way ... There must be a legitimate way to get the low end augment schematics so my low end toon can take advantage while he works his way up the ladder..

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The trainer has no augment schematics. Only the schematics for the augment kits.


For the actual augments, you need Slicing. Crits on Sliced tech mission will award, along with mats, 1 or 2 random schematics for augments. Yes, it's a grind to get them, lol

But if you're aiming only for the grade 6 stuff, there arent that many.

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