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So, I dont understand, a bit of help please.


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Short story, I have my marauder up to level 16 and he seems like a beast, yet when I dueled this level 17 juggernaut, equal gear, he beat me. Dueled him again, I beat him, but my health was next to nothing. Now I understand this is low level, but shouldnt I crush a juggernaut?


Im just confused a bit here.. :(

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No, in general tanks are the rock to our scissors. Without considering a long winded wall-o-text with all the hybrid variables; tanks beat dps, dps beats heals, heals beat tanks. That's the basic principle of the rock - paper - scissors.


Well, that's considering the Jugg, at lv 17, is probably still in tank (Soresu form) stance even if he's planing on going DPS.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Marauders are a very "late blooming" class, especially for PvP. While juggs tend to be sort of late blooming as well, there are a few key abilities that marauders get very late in their leveling that give them the edge that they need (things like Undying Rage for all maras, and gore / annihilate depending on the spec. They also have a harder time building stacks for smash at lower lvls if they are that spec).


Around lvl 17-20, I found that on my jugg, Vengeance spec really starts to shine, especially when you get the jugg specific lightsaber form for it - rage becomes so much more manageable. Marauders just plain kind of suck at that level. Having an extra saber that only rarely hits anything doesn't really make up for their other shortcomings.


Of course, it could just be that your gear is not as good, your skill is not as high, etc.


I don't think that tanks in general are the "rock" to our scissors, although at 50 with the vindicator 2 piece (heal on intercede to friendly), if a Jugg can intercede to a friendly target every time it's up, it's nearly impossible to beat them one on one, because they are getting an 8% heal every 20 seconds.

Edited by Aluvi
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Also consider that while you are only one level apart, it is still a boost to all base stats that effect weapon dmg, armor rating, endurance, etc. It can be enough of an edge. Of course, knowledge of class and abilities and how/when to use them(basically player skill) can certainly decide an outcome. It is never simply a rock<paper<scissors decision.
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Marauders are a very "late blooming" class, especially for PvP. While juggs tend to be sort of late blooming as well, there are a few key abilities that marauders get very late in their leveling that give them the edge that they need (things like Undying Rage for all maras, and gore / annihilate depending on the spec. They also have a harder time building stacks for smash at lower lvls if they are that spec).


Around lvl 17-20, I found that on my jugg, Vengeance spec really starts to shine, especially when you get the jugg specific lightsaber form for it - rage becomes so much more manageable. Marauders just plain kind of suck at that level. Having an extra saber that only rarely hits anything doesn't really make up for their other shortcomings.


Of course, it could just be that your gear is not as good, your skill is not as high, etc.


I don't think that tanks in general are the "rock" to our scissors, although at 50 with the vindicator 2 piece (heal on intercede to friendly), if a Jugg can intercede to a friendly target every time it's up, it's nearly impossible to beat them one on one, because they are getting an 8% heal every 20 seconds.

I always tend to take Enraged Slash for levelling at lower levels - regardless of the spec. It's built-in Shien for your main low-level rotation skill. I levelled my last Marauder in Carnage and I could spam Slash pretty much indefinitely - only stopping for a Battering Assault, or an occasional Assault. Fury also stacked very quickly, even without Short Fuse (although I was tempted to take it as well. But that slowed my progression in Carnage even further). Berserk was pretty much rapid spam of relatively-free Slashes. Ran with Vette all the time, never touching Quinn (even for soloing hc2+). It was Faaaaaaaaaaaaabulous.


I levelled a Marauder (Carnage) and a Guardian (Vigilance - ran with Kira) just about simultaneously, and I felt like Marauder had an easier time, including lower levels.

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