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[Video] Noob Merc


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Yeah, not so noobish. :-) I mean, you did have the advantage of an opposition who was failing to deal with you properly. They seemed to lack assassins and snipers, both of which could have put a serious dent in that match. So, composition was stacked a bit in your favor. In fact, they were *very* healer heavy, which is just arsenal-paradise. Also, even when they did try to do something about you, your team either came to your rescue (as well they should) or the opposition didn't follow through (case in point: that vengeance jugg who kept bugging you).


Not to diminish the match at all! You dealt with the focus fire (when it happened) extremely well and picked your vantage points with skill. It's videos like this that make me smile and give me a fraction of hope for gunnery/arsenal in PvP.

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Hoping to get the courage to make a vid myself soon, only 33 so far tho so might get some more skill before I hit 50 :D


I'd encourage everyone learning the class to make vids of themselves in matches, win or lose, whether they post them on youtube or not. Watching yourself play is a GREAT way to analyze where your weaknesses are, and has done wonders for me.


But besides that, we need more PvP commando vids on youtube, so go for it.

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Was actually just thinking about that, being able to analyze your own ggameplay after a WZ has to be THE best way to learn from your mistakes and to see things in a new angle sort of so I am going to start frapsing tonight ;)
I agree 100%, you can learn alot about the game from watching your own movies. Who should i have attacked, where should i have relocated to etc.
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