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When will origin start giving out product codes?


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They give out product codes when you buy the game, just check your order purchase in your email. You'll have to scroll down to see it, probably.


If you preordered it, that was only the preorder code. They send you a separate email with the registration code.

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They don't even have the game in store anymore.


Origin = Epic Fail!


Actually, it is in the store. I just looked. It's even on the store front page when load up Origin. So I have no idea what you're talking about.


Skyrant = Epic Fail

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Actually, it is in the store. I just looked. It's even on the store front page when load up Origin. So I have no idea what you're talking about.


Skyrant = Epic Fail


Try buying it. I agree it's on the front page, on the MMO page is a huge advertisement, but you can't actually buy it.


You get an error message.


PS: Just checked the US store and you can buy it there. Not in the EU store however. So my initial statement stands.


Origin = Epic Fails Beta!

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I just got the email from swtor, though. Like it asked now for me to put in my code. Didn't they say that you only get the product code after they sent this one? Like with the EGA? You get one from the company and one from the store? Or something... i soooo do not want to put up with EA support right now.
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