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Polski/Russain/Spanish/whatever solution


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I find a lot of international players playing on the English servers. This is fine, but what's not is that they outright refuse to speak in English. Why does this matter? Because it's damn aggravating. When I pick a specific server, I picked "English" because I can understand English, I didn't expect for there to be a wave of non sensical spam filling my chat windows. It's why I didn't go to "German" instead.


Q: "Can't you just ignore them?"

A: What, ignore all people who refuse to speak English and stick to their own language, ever, on that server, for all time? Do I really need to answer that? I don't even have global ignore to facilitate doing that in a timely fashion!


Q: "The game is open to all of the EU, of course you have to expect some international players.."

A: I'm fine with international players, as long as they're pleasant. But these new additions since F2P aren't. They fill my chat box with spam, if I ever ask if they can speak English (and henceforth stop this stream of nonsensical spam), I get constantly harassed. I was told today that I was a "fat American" and that my sister were to be *****. I understand that there's no real facilitation for these new players, but I'm a subscriber and more importantly, a founder. I paid in order to get rid of these inconveniences, but now I feel even more powerless over them.


Q: "You're just racist!"

A: Racisim is a term which addresses race. As in, a genetic aspect which cannot be changed. Language is not one of them. I understand that there's going to be players which can't speak English at all, however, and I'm curious as to whether or not TOR is going to facilitate them, or I'm just expected to put up with this.


Q: "Yeah, well, what if I came in and told you to speak Russian?!"

A: This is a weak argument. I would understand it if I had joined a primarily Russian speaking server once the game had gone F2P (and only then) and then tried to enforce my own values in that community, but that's just not what's happening here. You're trying to integrate into the already existing community on that server, not I.


Q: "Well, you can always leave!"

A: but I don't want to leave. I want to play without all the unnecessary ********. It's why I subscribed. It's why I'm writing this thread right now.



Can't we give the Polish/Russains their own servers? Or just have a server named "International"? Perhaps something to filter out non-english languages? Something? Anything?


Also, that Q & A bit is there because I know people will simply revert to them and ignore this thread. I want to know if there's anything that is being done to assist people in my position and give them more power over this kind of ****.


BAH RAGE :mad:

Edited by Graydar
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Just roll on a US server. you are LESS than likely have any Weirdo speakers there.


Which is partially why I use the US servers because England is a small country and the EU servers (in MY mind) will be plagued with Weirdo foreign language speakers.

Edited by Sakushi
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Just roll on a US server. you are LESS than likely have any Weirdo speakers there.


Which is partially why I use the US servers because England is a small country and the EU servers (in MY mind) will be plagued with Weirdo foreign language speakers.


Yes, all would be more comfortable if we were given the opportunity to write the Russian-speaking Cyrillic and give this separate chat window.


And if anyone has created subtitles in our language we would not be happy. All you need for happiness - it's subtitles in quests that would not press the space bar, and read and fully delve into the meaning of the text.



Да всем было бы комфортнее если бы нам русскоговорящим дали возможность писать кириллицей и выделили для этого отдельное окно чата.


А если бы кто-либо создал субтитры на нашем языке мы бы вообще были счастливы. Все что нужно для счастья - это субтитры в квестах, что бы не нажимать пробел, а читать и вникать полностью в смысл текста.:hope_01:

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