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LF Morning Raid Guild, Empire


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Hey all. Just recently resubbed and am finding myself in need of a guild. I played from beta up until shortly after Denova came out. What I'm looking for is a guild who raids sometime between 8am CST and 1pm CST. I work 3rd shift and am asleep during prime hours, and with the server merges not allowing us to choose servers (so I could have gone EU or Oceanic), I'm here to see what I can find. My Characters:


Vannien - 50 DPS Merc

Vannier - 50 Medic/DPS Operative

Vamina - 50 Tank/DPS Powertech


Should it come do to that, I wouldn't be opposed to starting a guild with other night shifters. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hrmm interesting, I too work a night shift. I seem to find more and more people wanting to raid in the mornings, I dont think there are any guilds that raid, but maybe we could get a core 8man grp together.


Hit me up in game

Imp side:




Or just pm on official forums.

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