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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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Well not come off in a jerk kinda way but if all we are doing is focusing on mid I can do that in a wz. My thought on any sort of event is to have objectives and to incorporate ALL aspects of the game into one centralized location. Just running around PVPing isn't intriguing enough for me to want to go especially since doing just that will cause a serious issue with lag and Im not going to sit and watch my toon move an inch at a time. We have to spread out over a larger area which is why the ilum world pvp area is perfect for it but if I get stuck at mid just fighting back and forth Ill just queue up and do the same thing with no lag. If you want this to succeed you need to bring some creativity from different guilds together and honestly im not sure how many people are actually doing that besides just saying that they will be there. My proposal for this at this point (being only a few hours away) is to get the guild leaders together that are going and have an actual discussion and set this up properly at least a half hour before it is set to begin. We can lay out rules, areas for different aspects, and set guidelines for smaller competitions if thats what we want to do. Doesnt matter to me either way but if we want this to be a success we have to plan organize and execute as a community and not just all gather up and ask each other whats going on. I will be on Ilum at 6:30 pm eastern time on Kordeed.
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I will say this again. I simply created this event for the community to enjoy. I have no part in what the individual guilds plan to do. Every other guild besides Sky Wardens have been talking to one another on if they are Rping or not. If you want in on that as a guild leader it is your responsibility to contact other guilds and set stuff up. Multiple guilds such as pro are strictly there for pvp. I know some of the sith guilds have setup rp sessions before the match. Im not babying anyone through setting up their own guild events. The event brings the guilds together and after that its up to the individual guild to implement there certain goals which hopefully other guilds will be on board with. As of right now the only universal rule is no spawn camping. Other then that its free reign. If you are unable to enjoy yourself then dont go. This is meant to be a friendly event for everyone which will hopefully encourage guilds to set more stuff up.
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Well to reply to that, you told me on our website that if i had an idea to post it here and i did. If no one wants to use the forum to set it up then so be it. I did what you asked me to do. Second if it was your plan all along to just have a big pvp warzone you should have stated that in your first post and not rely on everyone else to come up with an event to just not talk about it. I put actual thought into what would make this successful, again as you asked me to, and this is what it's turning into. Another gathering of people that just want to pvp in a huge group. Well thats fine and enjoy but unfortunately thats not what the Sky Wardens find fun and will probably not be attending. I have a funny feeling this will be no different than the last couple. I have to be honest on this one...sounds to me like a "I want to host an event to make my name big but do nothing to set it up." If you're going to throw out there that YOU are making an event then maybe YOU should plan it organize it and execute it. Dont just say hey guys event on the 3rd come have fun then do nothing else. The best planned event was that on alderaan and belsavis which was planned and executed but with a lack of proper communication. If anyone actually read what I posted about an event on Ilum and would like to set up and ACTUAL event let me know and we can work on something legit. If not and everyone is communicating about this besides us then thats fine...we are obviously not wanted there anyway then. I used this forum as I was instructed to.


Oh and as a side note sulu I would be careful who you smash in the forums...just another example of disrespect and poor professionalism especially towards a guild that you helped create and walk away from.......

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"People are invited to do whatever. We can Rp on the sides. Hang out, do friendly duels, or participate in an all out war. This isn't an event that people have to be a certain thing for. This is to have fun" is a quote from suluu right on the first page kord. From my interpretation all this was from the get go was just to do some WvW on Ilum and use it like it had been in the past.


Suluu may have an ego and talk too much ( sorry buddy :rolleyes: ) but where in this do you see him trying to boost is ego and make a name for himself???? The kid just wants to WvW and use Ilum again and has been extremely giddy (and talking me ear off) about the whole thing the entire week. We get it, your whole guild doesn't like the guy but there is no reason to act like a 13 year girl on the forums. You know how to get a hold of him in private if you want to, I suggest you do that.

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