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Annihilation + Berserk


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Noob question, but is there a best time to use Berserk with Anni?


I tend to save it for when I have both Rupture and Deadly Sabre up. Though, I tend to use Deadly Sabre as soon as it's off CD. I'm wondering if I'm gimping my DPS by waiting.

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There are fights where you want to hold it for additional burst, you always want to be able to berserk when you bloodthrist as well.


Perfect timing for me to pop though when i am not holding it, is right before i apply my 3rd stack of deadly saber with rupture.... doesnt always happen but in a perfect world that is when you would want to hit it.

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Pop it as soon as you have 30 stacks of Fury, unless there is a common sense reason not to.


The sooner you pop Berserk, the sooner you can start building Fury again.


It's a nice idea in theory to try to line it up with 3 stacks of Deadly Saber, but in practice it's pretty much pointless. You get more mileage out of maximized uptime rather than sneaky timing. Bleed uptime is so high that you nearly always burn through Berserk in just a couple seconds, and more Berserk cycles is more DPS than more damage per cycle.


Also, the primary reason to even go Annihilation is sturdiness/healing, and sitting on Berserk cuts your HPS.

Edited by Omophorus
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