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Where are our Serverforums? Get them up ASAP plz..


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with the servers up and running - where are the Forums for our servers - like Supreme Commander Stantorrs etc?


I mean how should we get a good community running wihtout them? U cant organize server events, u can´t do a proper recruitment or even s h i t t a l k about your stuff that happens on your server or guildupdates etc.....hope BioWare gets them up ASAP.


If not this Game won´t hold for long for sure :( - no community = empty servers in a few month.


ANOTHER Important Note:

BioWare ppl u may wanna FIX endgame - Karaggas Palace bugged u can´t pull the Boss, some Hardmode Flashpoints like Boarding Party no Boss Loot and Bosses are bugged in other instances aswell - TARIS laggs for many ppl like hell and they can´t Login onto the Planet on the left side of the map if they got less than 8GB RAM - there is a serious issue on that planet.


It seems like the game is polished till you hit Level 50 and after it. Boom - Buggy Flashpoints, Operations all over the place no fun to play it. If u fix the buggs in a few month it will be to late, cause many ppl get fast bored of buggy content.. so hope we see some patches in the next few weeks.


I guess i have to make a youtube video with all those bugs, cause bugreporting or ingame support is like talking to a bot with 0815 answers which don´t answer the question or suggestion u have given.


Despite all the endgame buggs this game is hell of fun.. but plz don´t do the mistake and dont forget about your endgame...



a believer

Edited by HansoSoloo
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