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Only Marauder Ops Group Possible?


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1st) Yes, this is a stupid idea.

2nd) Yes, I know this is completely insane.

3rd) This is just to consider the possibility of it.


I heard from a guild member that in LotRO, he made a raid group composed of only one class, the burglar, and they succeeded. He did not go into much explanation, but the basics was one burglar would pull aggro and once he reached low health, he'd stealth away so that the boss would target a different burglar. Repeat until party wipe or dead boss. The marauder's have a similar ability, "Force Camouflage", and annihilation marauders' "Berserk" heals the party.


I was considering the idea that a marauder with aggro would fight the boss using defensive cool-downs to mitigate damage and once he reached low health, he'd use force camo. Also, everyone would be using Berserk when possible to keep the raid alive. Could this strategy succeed?

Or is there another strategy that would work better?


Please only answer with facts or info.

I am relatively new to MMOs, but I want to know if it is, and if it is not then why?

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The heals from Annihilation crits wern't enough to keep a full ops healed up even before there were nerffed... In LOTRO burglars could open up Fellowship moves or CJ's as there were also called and this could be used to fully heal a Group/Raid depending on the combo you hit.


You could hit one to gain a huge burst healing or power restoration or a huge HoT... or a mixture of the two.


I done a few 6 man instances of all burgs and another with all captains :-) was alot of fun but totally different mechanics to SWTOR

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