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Changes that make Subscribers Happy vs Unsub


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Happy Subscribers make good game reviews and referrals.


Here are some positive changes that made subscribers Happy and makes SWTOR a better game:


  • Free Respecs
  • Customization for Gear/Appearance
  • Big Reduced Costs for Removing Mods/Enhancements/Armorings/Barrels/Hilts
  • Actual Content Updates & Additions



Would like to see:


  • Developer Communication, not copy paste responses.
  • Developers actually play their game before implementing broken patches and over buffed classes.
  • Developers or Bioware game testers live stream gameplay of warzones, flashpoints, operations, world pvp, and more.
  • More creative warzones similar to the sophistication of huttball as opposed to 1 level flat ground playing field like the other 3 warzones.
  • In-game live server mods that play characters and run around ingame, and the addition to elect actual subscribers to be mods for the server so long as they agree to some conditions.
  • Class Buffs: Stop nerfing classes. Instead buff other classes. Most people feel offended when their class is nerfed and often leads to a massive number of unsubs of that class & it's mirror.
  • Legendary Weapons, Abilities, Armor: Special Effect Type Prestigious Gear/Armor/Weapons




Changes that make subscribers angry, sad, and or unsub:


  • Adding space missions as content. Instead, there should be space pvp as a new warzone.
  • Poor communication from developers or game testers, especially in pvp community and class forums.
  • Adding No content updates for a long time, especially in pvp but also pve and open world
  • No class buffs for the underdog classes
  • Class Nerfs
  • The game feels linear, beat it once then that's it. Long term subscribers would like to see more replayability in new content, endgame, and events (not space missions).
  • Adding F2Pers to subscribers servers and causing massive lag for many people without announcing any plans to stabilize servers or add new technology to accomodate to keep subscribers able to do what they do without interruption of service.
  • Save Fluff for f2p shop and don't release it instead of content updates. Nobody cares about a new companion or party jawa that you get in the mail. You play with it once, then never again usually. Instead sell these on Cartel Shop.
  • Grab bag style cartel packs & old-ilum nascar type collection events.
  • Not much to do at level 50 after obtained pve and pvp gear. Endgame Raid can only occur with your raid group, pvp queing the same 4 warzones for 1 year doesn't appeal to long term subscribers for to long unless more warzones are put out frequently. There needs to be something else to do inbetween raid and warzones at level 50.
  • No Prestigious gear, weapons, armor, mounts, or other that can be obtained to make you stand out from everyone else.



The list goes on and I am willing to add forum viewers comments to it.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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I think a lot of the points are good common sense stuff.


Some points may be a little simplistic though. Ie. People don't want -poorly done- space combat ie. rails, but well done space components could be great fun and add aspects to the game that other MMOs would have a hard time competing with. (Edit) I see you have a bit about space PvP... is that new or did I miss that?


And sure players like it when credit sinks like mod removal is lessened, but does that create other problems? Will end game players have too many credits causing inflation thus making it too hard for new players to be a part of the economy or buy what they need?


Also HK is generally well liked aside from the bugs, and made many people's return during the F2P transition a lot more fun. I at least would argue against new companions being bad for the game too.


Overall a good post though, thanks for the effort.

Edited by Pepperawr
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I agree with most of what the OP said, but wanted to specifically reply to this:


[*]Adding F2Pers to subscribers servers and causing massive lag for many people without announcing any plans to stabilize servers or add new technology to accomodate to keep subscribers able to do what they do without interruption of service.


They don't have to--the server migration earlier this fall was the new technology (the High-Pop Sever software) meant to address this, and it was announced as such when it was implemented.


That there is now massive lag and problems for some users and servers is an issue they do need to address, but it's not going to be through new technology.


But given the sheer number of problems introduced into the game thanks in part (I have no doubt) to not testing out 1.5 with mixed mode accounts on the PTS, this is but just one of many problems needing addressed.

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I see you have a bit about space PvP... is that new or did I miss that?


Overall a good post though, thanks for the effort.


You didn't miss anything about space PVP. Space missions to the majority of the population are just not interesting because they are very stale rail linear missions that you beat once and never want to play again. They are uninteresting and unengauging. Space pvp would add a very interesting aspect to the game and allow for new "Space Ship" type abilities and customizations and effects that they can add to the game. Space PVP is NOT in the game, it's a pipe dream right now.

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For the lag issue people are having, myself included at times, I would have to say that Bioware should have followed in what Funcom did with TSW. One large conglomerate server for everyone to be able to interact and join each others servers if grouped but still providing the single server ability to players. Since none of the quests in SWTOR are actually dynamic events their are literally no issues that will occur from it.


Other then Biowares ability to **** it up. Hello Companion Issues. Whee for broken patches. Beta testing for SWTOR continues.

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I think content and loot drops are a huge reason for subs dropping.


Not only are there some glaring issues with continually buffing classes (ie dps gets very large and unhealable, making healers near to useless especially in pvp). If you are suggesting continually buffing classes, that has to be in defense or armor as well or the spike in dps just gets out of hand and players at lower gear levels feel that pain more than anyone.


To me the biggest issue is content. There is absolutely no reason to leave the fleet much anymore. People run Dailies/Weeklies, but its just one grind left to do. If you aren't in a big guild you can only PUG so many Flashpoints and WZs before you start to go mad because its just really a clusterphook.


I think you have to give people a reason to venture out to planets again. Some of this new cartel system should be out in the real world as very rare drops. I know the system is capable of it as a lower level toon of mine received a XP bonues consumable as a class reward or something in the first couple of days of Cartel going live. This not only gives people a reason to venture out, but also presents PVPers with the opportunity for Open World pvp...which is hard to find in most places. Section X gives us a bit of it now and I don't see many guilds having fun with it...even on a PVP server, but it's nice to see it present anyway.


Lastly, I think the WZ system needs some additions to giving the majority of the players the ability to have more fun without giving away the grinded out War Hero gear level. We need some more levels of ranks. We could use valor as the basis. and set up pug wzs by valor rank. If you que for lower ranks you get penalized by losing valor. Losing too much valor makes you lose the ability to use some of your gear. It's just needed for keeping people that PUG wz's interested...and yes the majority of people are PUGGING...so the system needs to be geared and focused on that majority.

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Give us multiple event type end game options, I came from FFXI and we had Limbus, Salvage, Einherjar, Dynamis, Sea, Abyssea, and Sky all of which had their own gear you had to grind. I know this is a vastly different gear type game, no switching gear for every move as in XI. But it'd be fun to have more than our same old gear set bonuses and only one type of endgame.


I'd like to see CC tweeked for pvp only, it's just a stunfest now, the resolve change was a step in the wrong direction.

Edited by Bronaimeth
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