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what are you suppose to do in a guild?


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hi am a new player that never played a MMO before but i love star war i didn't gave it a try until before because i need a new computer to run it. i have been ask to join a few guilds while playing but didn't know what they are. what are you supposed to do in a guild? what are they about and how are they different from one another?
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Hey man. Guilds are mainly for finding like minded people that you would like to group up with and play the game with. Some guilds have different focus' such as Role Play, Player vs Player and Operations, but many guilds do a lot of different things. I would continue to ignore people who send you guild invites without talking to you first.
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Everything the above poster said holds. I would also suggest that you look for a leveling guild. That is, a guild with a focus on players who are leveling up (as opposed to end-game, which has a bunch of level 50 characters).


An amazing guild for this republic side is Well Groomed Gamers. To find who is online, merely use the




command and then type in "Well Groomed Gamers" (without quotes). Imperial side, I do not know a good leveling guild, but I am sure they are out there. True Mandalorians used to be a good one, but don't know if they're still going.

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