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Mara lvling spec post 1.4


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Hey everyone, Ive been gone for a very long time and missed a few patches and decided to resub and roll mara. Was wondering if anni is still the best way to lvl with Quinn healing you once u get him or is carnage or rage any better for lvling now?
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Any of the three work perfectly fine.


All 3 specs bloom late, though Rage has the most effectiveness at the lowest levels (due to many of the essential talents being lower in the tree), but honestly, no Marauder spec is really shining before 30ish.


Many situations whilst leveling involve clearing lots of weak trash, which is what Rage excels at. However, its single-target damage is substantially lower (especially at higher levels, as you get into the top end of the Carnage and Annihilation trees).


So really, it's situational.


That said, at 50, Annihilation is currently the least useful spec once geared (it's never a BAD spec, mind you, it's just the safe fallback spec rather than the optimal spec for most situations), so it might behoove you to get more comfortable with Rage or Carnage, as they tend to be the go-to specs if you're serious about Marauder and not just hopping on the FOTM bandwagon because of the defensive CDs.


Edit: Companion also depends on spec/gear. Vette and Quinn are far and away the most useful, and it all comes down to philosophy: kill faster with a bit more risk, or kill slower and safer. I nearly always chose the risky path (and even at 50, I rarely use Quinn except to solo Heroics and the like, where I literally can't do it without the extra heals), and accepted that there would be some downtime between fights using Channel Hatred to recover HP. It was still a net time saving, to me, to rest between fights and kill faster, rather than kill slower and never stop. Carnage definitely benefits a bit more from Quinn, due to its relative fragility, and Annihliation has the least need for the additional healing (though that's changed a bit with 1.5 and the nerf to bleed heals).

Edited by Omophorus
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Ok to break the trees down


Anni: Still the best lvling spec. Reccomended companion: Vette or Jaesa (bleed heals are still good enough to get through most fights)


Carnage: complete crap till lvl 30 when you obtain Gore. Reccomended Companion: Quinn


Rage: Decent enough for leveling but does not do a whole lot till you get shockwave (name clarification please) Reccomended Companion: Not shure im going to assume Quinn. (never really tryed out rage tree so yea)

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