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Top Gun is adding recruits and mergers


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<Top Gun> is a PvP training academy. We’re a growing Republic guild with 80+ characters and valor ranks ranging from Elite Warlord down to sub-50s. We run daily pre and post 50 war zone groups, plus scheduled ranked matches. There are 4-12 Top Gun players online at almost any time of day. We have a 25-person vent channel for coordinated play and friendly chat. We have a guild bank and master crafters of almost every kind to help you get geared. We believe in being inclusive and helping our own.


We are looking for:


Mature Republic players of any level or skill level who want to improve their PvP game. Please be 18+ and have Vent and a headset. If you’re a new transfer, or your current guild is dead or dying, check us out. Guild mergers are welcomed and we offer an officer representative for mergers of 5 or more players.


We are not:


We are not elitist or exclusive. We’ll give almost anyone a chance to prove themselves. We have precious little tolerance for drama and hope you don’t either. Time is the currency you spend playing this game and we want to make the most of it. We are also not a progression ops raiding guild. You are more than welcome to raid, but we don’t do much organized PvE.


Talk to Jaksyn, Singild, Natalyaa, Scorchh, Semyaza or any member proudly carrying the <Top Gun> guild tag for more information.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now at over 100 characters, we're running nightly ranked matches and have nearly enough people online most nights for a second team.


Friday nights, and one other night to be determined later, are our "A-team" nights, while the rest of the week is open to any gear or skill level. Sub-50 leveling and PVP teams are going on at all times of the day. There are also whispers of an official ops night for those who want to do a little end game PVE. Most importantly, we're having a blast with everyone in vent all at once.


Join or merge now while we're still actively recruiting!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...
We've started doing Operations 1 or 2 nights a week. This is a good opportunity for players who are looking to start this content, but tired of "be geared and know the fights". We'll take ya if you've never been into an operation before.
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