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Looking for Guild


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Hi guys... this is a strange thing me typing this as... I am worried about the reaction its going to get... Well here goes, I am looking for a guild or a small group of leveling buddies, to play the game with... The reason this is abit of an issuse for me is that I suffer from restricted movement down the left side of my body, which means I have to play the game using just the mouse most of the time as my keyboard/typing skills are poor as a result.... due to this it may take me awhile longer to do certain things in game i.e typing in chat channels or marking targets or combat perp.


I am a ex wow player and because of the issues stated above have had some really bad group/guild experiences in the past.... people getting frustrated with because i am taking to long and kicking me.... Oh the joys of seening you suck!!! you suck!!! or learn to play in my chat window, before beening kicked.... I am a decent player I just need that little bit more time to do things.... Hence why iam am doing this post so i dont have to spend time tying into a chat channel and taking forever.


My wow days where spent leveling a holy/ prot pally and a enhancment sharman.... I am not going to sit here and tell you i was a uber healer or a uber tank... I was not, but i was decent.


If anyone reads this and thinks .... they can use me, Both my characters a on the peragus mining facility eu server names of fryingtuck and caster... dont mind moving server and starting again, if you want to contact me outside of these forums or the game my xbox live gamertag is fryingtuck

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You know what... I don't care one bit about you playing a little slow, most people rush this game so fast it takes away from the fun. I'm not leveling any new toons atm. But if you ever find yourself playing on the Progenitor and looking for someone to group with for endgame content ~ hit me up.


Telagtun Telag male Zarbrak sage

Edited by Cleet_Xia
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Thank you I posted this when i was on my first server when i started playing got an invite to a guild on a u.s server, but when i logged on at night there was no one online..... sooo i took a break and ended up here, thankyou for your offer, I certainly will accept . see you at 50 !!! :)
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As a suggestion, you might do well to look for a guild which uses voice comms a lot rather than a lot of typing. Of course, that doesn't work for everyone. There's a lot of shy people online who are uncomfortable with using voice.


Holy Bantha droppings! You can use a headset for this game?! -is a noob-

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i would play with you and dont worry about being slow or not saying much on chat, i am setting up a guild that helps new players or poeple who want to take their time through the content their is a few of us who will be willing to play with you my character name is zi'ack whisper me ingame or send me a mail if you ever want to group up

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was just browsing thru, fryingtuck - Happy to read all the comments in your thread

Much respect to all herein :) :)

and i 'll second Zoist's (Zi'ack) comment which i've noticed above ^^

very happy to play along for, is not The Force beyond such constraints as "Time" ?


main char i'm on right now is ódysseus @ The Progenitor - lvl 20 presently

and will welcome a mail anytime, should you choose or should you be unable to reach any of the above


[ u don't need to know this bit but i'm post anamorphic stem cell transplant for AML and still suffer fatigue symptoms ...whilst they don't affect me too greatly the symptoms have / do afford a little awareness at the least ;) ]

Edited by -PhYz-
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