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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

parcing results 1.5


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I'm creating this to see how much dps people can do now. I read so many forums of peoples dps, but with no proof. Im curious to see what people are parcing now that 1.5 has come out.


1) Attack the Operations Training Target MK-5 and do a 5 min run.


2) Tell us what your stats are, what spec your using, as well as what your dps is


3) Send a link that shows what the parcing data has revealed as proof :)

Edited by austispomati
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Phaaze @ The Shadowlands.

Strength 2235

Damage Primary 993-1162

Damage Secondary 222-333

Bonus Damage 657.3

Accuracy 104.35

Critical Chance 37.07

Critical Multiplier 77.36


Combat Spec 5-31-5

Parse of 2019 over the course of 5 mins



Edit: No Armor debuff. Used an exo stim and power adrenal as well.

Edited by DavenTiff
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no inspiration/adrenals/ etc combat spec

all 61 bh stuff atm since i dont really pve all that much on my sent anymore since im in a smaller pvp guild so no 63 stuff. was at around about 1890-1902 before the out of combat drop off crap.

Fighting with peak time server lag so nothing special.:rolleyes:

Edited by AngusFTW
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if you want to get out of combat quickly just type/stuck when you want to finish recording )))

ALso could you please post your dps on Operation training dummy not combat training target MK-5 :)


This is my dps on Operation training target mk-5 DPS :1964.39



Using: Rakata stim, full buffs, Watchman spec 31/3/7, Dread guard proc relic and war hero relic

adrenal, inspiration


Not using armor debuff

Stats :

Str: 2125

Power: 1056


Crit Chance: 30.82%

Critical Multiplier: 76.10%

Edited by darthsasha
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if you want to get out of combat quickly just type/stuck when you want to finish recording


That worked nicely thanks



Strength: 1910

Power: 1408

Melee Bonus Damage: 741.1

Melee Accuracy: 99.89%

Melee Critical Chance: 24.93%

Force Bonus Damage: 1096.2

Force Critical Chance: 32.07%

Critical Multiplier: 75.82%


I actually was nodding off during some of those parses >_>

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Now this just makes me feel so invalid. I was using a Rakata stim and a rakata adrenal, but couldn't get past 1900.


1900 is still good dps ) Also i saw somewhere 2100 dps parse of carnage marauder but he is in full optimised dread guard

Edited by darthsasha
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This makes me feel like im doing something totally noobish. Im fully campaign with some 63 armorings (Apart from my offhand which is still Rakata).


Was doing EC HM last night with my guild (progression run) as were still a fairly new guild.

and could only manage a top dps of 1810. also using an Exotech aswell. I'll post my stats when im back from work

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Most likely not. The parsing results in this thread are on a test dummy. Which means no movement and sustained damage. When you are within a raid environment, having to deal with mechanics and target switching....things change. Not to mention it is not possible to sustain these damage numbers on EVERY fight in this game.


A couple pointer are:


1) ~500k total damage is a good base to have at the complete of most 8 man HM fights.

2) Use Torparse to check what other are doing in certain fights. You want to compare against kills and class. For instance, the Withering Horror Fight in TFB greatly favors Snipers/Gunslingers for damage.

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Oh I already don't mind him. It's common knowledge that Combat can parse higher than Watchman because it's got more burst potential and you practically don't need to stack any accuracy at all because of Steadfast, Ataru Form, and the 1% you get from your melee tank companion. Edited by Bugattiboy
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