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Server Queues - Again but getting worse


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I came down early this morning to resume my role as agent on scepter of ragnos (which is already a q nightmare in the evenings) to find 300 place queue at 8.30am.


I can only imagine that all the new (none early acces) players have gone on to the already full servers.


This is beyond unacceptable! when will there a be known plan to address this game killing isse.


Also Please push new players to new servers!




I got in the early access some days ago. At that time i chose a light server (newly opened). I got over level 20 and i do not want to start all over again. I have 3 IRL friends that bought the game and started playing today. Ofc they joined my server (that is full most of the time in the evenings). There will be players joining fully loaded servers because they want to play with friends.

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Please fix this BioWare, I was in a short queue which I don't mind, but then was disconnected from the game with a message "The login service is currently unavailable. Please visit our forums...." there is nothing on the forums, so to come back on to a higher queue is just more frustrating :mad:
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they did that with the guild placement, however personal CHOICE comes into play there.


They looked at their pre order numbers estimated how many more servers they would need and opened up x amount based off of that


they CAN NOT help it if players CHOOSE to go to already populated servers.


Except they didn't do it well with even the guild placement, because even then there were many disparities across the server populations. And yes, they can help it if people CHOOSE to go to already populated servers. By RESTRICTING joining of full servers.


stop acting like there isn't a 100% uncontrollable variable in play here


I am not acting like 100% of what happens is in their control. But there are many steps they could have taken to alleviate the issues we are seeing.

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Why didn't they flag the new servers (like a "come here" sign)? The Release-Players took what's there, and most of them were already crowded in the evenings.


I already started over on a server with no waiting queues shortly after early access because my server had waiting queues of over an hour, and I really, really don't want to do it again! Please allow server transfers soon!

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Oh come on BW, is there no upper limit on how many characters can be created on a server? The already full servers now feel twice as full :(

I feel like I'm actually geting punished for getting early access.

Server transfers NOW please.

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So I guess 60 other people in my guild should all reroll?


I believe he is talking about new players who are just joining at launch.



I would just like to point out that I do not expect the world to be given to me. With a launch this big, queues are to be expected; but when there is such a large difference in server populations which could have been reduced with the right steps, then something needs to be done ASAP.


*Update*: I was just in queue position 267, and all of a sudden I got in. Don't know what that's about

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I was hoping the population cap would go up on launch, but alas this has not happened.


Will wait for the 2 day grace period to finish, but should the queue remain so high, server transfers will be next option.


And please Bioware... stop sending me messages to re-roll. I am not starting the story again... you placed me on this server with your crappy guild launch system... now you fix it.

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I was hoping the population cap would go up on launch, but alas this has not happened.


Will wait for the 2 day grace period to finish, but should the queue remain so high, server transfers will be next option.


And please Bioware... stop sending me messages to re-roll. I am not starting the story again... you placed me on this server with your crappy guild launch system... now you fix it.


/sign on that. People has been locked down on servers through the Guild launch system, but as mentioned, it does jack **** unless you have a fallback/safety system that can adress the overpopultation problem that comes with the Guild Launch specificly and in general. Guild launch, is a genius idea, but did no-one expect this problem at all, seriusly?


Looking forward to the afternoon rush, if the queue's are heavy now how will it be then? An additional note on the queueing, this probably hurts the casual gamers more it does the hardcore ones who usually has the time to wait, however annoying it might be.


In addition to the server queue's is the lack of work on the Collector's Edition, lacking codes, or the pamflet it should be on. Even reports about several items non-existent. When one buyes a product you expect it to be without physical flaws as a bare minimum, and if faulted a new product in return. I expect bioware, err no: EA (whom in the end has the ultimate responcebility and gives the go, and no-goes) should be thinking about compensation.

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