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Companion Responses to Crew Skills


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Has anyone else noticed that the response that you get when you companion completes a mission is nothing to do with the outcome?


I've had my Droid come back saying that he's achieved an outcome far better than i could ever expect.....he failed the mission.


He's also come back saying that he's failed and begs me not to deactivate him, however he brought back a decent sized haul from the mission.

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I reported C2-N2's responses as a bug, he's either a manic depressive or a complete loon lol... when he comes back with a critical success from treasure hunting he promises to do better next time, and when he comes back empty handed, he proclaims absolute success!


Easy to get them the wrong way round though, it's probably just the last line of the outcomes code that has the scale the wrong way round hehe

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Actually, this seems to be C2-N2`s Problem, never had it with Corso.




There are more situations like that. For example, i gave my Kira a gift, her affection gone up so i presume she liked it, and her responce was "Eat lightsaber, jerk!" :D


That, i guess, is a bug, was she aggroing someone near? This is usually her Attack-Yelling, not a respose to a gift.

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