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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hood down robes shouldn't be a big deal.


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It's utterly ridiculous to see how people go crazy for any robe without a hood. That just shows how much people want a hood toggle, and it's pretty obvious that BioWare knows about it and just doesn't care, unless they're completely without contact with the community.


They've got all of these promotional pictures with normal robes with hood-down models, so they have the models and they still refuse to give them to us.


Has anyone asked about hood-down robes in the Q&A's lately?

To me this should have been resolved nearly a year ago.

Edited by Pingonaut
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There is a single hood-down Jedi robe coming in the cartel packs. prolly around Christmas... -_-


Doesn't matter. I want hood-down on my Jedi Myrmidon robe. I paid for it, I augmented it, I want the hood down on it. New shiney cartel toys don't impress me and honestly I do not blame all the sith-robe wearing Jedi on fleet now. I just wish we had boycotted the robes and MADE them give us a hood toggle. But now EA has gotten money in their pocket and their CEO is probably pitching wood you can see from space.

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What I believe is that they add hoods on purpose for some reason. The newest Pathfinder set in the cartel shop has... TWO hoods. Inspect it. It's ridiculous. There is one hood on the back and one hood up covering the head. It looks like they took the with hood down but they wanted to put the hood up anyway. Just forgot to remove the one on the neck. I hope they'll fix it by removing the hood up.


Still. Never forget and never surrender. If we won't then nobody will shout for the hood toggle ;)

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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What I believe is that they add hoods on purpose for some reason. The newest Pathfinder set in the cartel shop has... TWO hoods. Inspect it. It's ridiculous. There is one hood on the back and one hood up covering the head. It looks like they took the with hood down but they wanted to put the hood up anyway. Just forgot to remove the one on the neck. I hope they'll fix it by removing the hood up.


Still. Never forget and never surrender. If we won't then nobody will shout for the hood toggle ;)


I just noticed the pathfinder set, that is actually hilarious in a way, and sad. I really am starting to wonder what the designers are thinking, I just wish the developers could just talk to us more, this is the biggest problem with Bioware, they are not good at communicating with their customers. How long has the hood toggle post been up? since release, has there been any reply?... Nope.


I think I read somewhere that they don't really view the class forums either.... So I have no hope for a hood toggle at all, Bioware just don't seem to care.

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This topic has been beaten to death since launch. But I agree with that one poster, we just need to keep up the pressure and maybe they'll make this a priority. If all the promotional photos and that beautiful armor set in the character creation screen weren't hood down I wouldn't be nearly as upset. At this point, it's almost like they're teasing us.
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Haha touché' good sir.


It is the illogical behavior on the part of the Devs that I don't get. They have known we wanted hood down robes since beta. They say the toggle is complicated. Cool. Just add in the hood down robes that have been sitting in their files since a year before launch when they put them in every screenshot they showed us.


They have had tier after tier of new gear plus the cartel market as set times when they knew they were releasing new gear, and what do they do? More hoods! It makes no sense. You know your players want something. You have that something literally sitting around, but you don't add it. Why?

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Bioware is neither deaf, blind, nor stupid... What's hard to understand?

Free to Play = Open season selling pixels on a one-off basis.


Simple facts:

1) Bioware is running a business and 2) They know fixing the hoods down is easy.


Now; they just made a small fortune out of cartel packs... What does that tell you?

Trust me, you will get your hoods down.


Just don't expect them to come for free.

Edited by Myriandore
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