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HK-51 Question


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I apologize for not searching for this as I am short on time at the moment, but does doing the HK-51 Quest unlock him for just that character or does it unlock him for the whole account? Would suck to have to do him more than once with those quest requirements.
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Currently when unlocking HK 51 on another character that is not level 50 will leave Hk 50 unable to use any of its gear that it comes with. You'll have to gear him yourself, and store the rest in storage.


There is also a current bug that will leave him cold and naked after you obtain him. He will have no gear and no weapon, even though he is supposed to. I finished it on my 50 Marauder, I got him with nothing at all, yet the guild mate I went with, had a full geared HK.


So I switch to Republic side, legacy unlocked it for my Trooper, and it was fully geared.

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