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Way overlevel for my gear...


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My main character right now is my level 22 Juggernaut and I think the highest level piece of gear I'm carrying right now is around level 15 (except for the level 23 gloves I got from my last wz daily). I bought a full set of social gear from a vendor but I can't figure out where to get the mods for them for my level? Nar Shadda? the Global Trade on Fleet?


I'm concerned that this is affecting my performance.


Should I be trying to farm npcs on Nar Shadda for coms? Is there a guide I should look at? Do I even need to worry about this pre-50?

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As a Level 22 Juggernaut you should have completed Balmorra Bonus series recently. And if you did the Revan quest chain in Drummond Kaas then that means you have a moddable chest, pants, and lightsaber. Below is a list of commendation badge cost for each item slot


7 commendation badges = weapon hilt

7 comm badges = armoring

2 comm badges = mod

2 comm badges = enhancement


That means if you have pants, chest and one lightsaber the total commendation badge cost is 33 comm badges. Thats usually how i look at things when i have to upgrade.


But in regards to your current state...Nar Shadaa bonus series doesnt happen until level 30 ish, and it still rewards Nar Shadaa comm badges which by that level will be useless. Tatooine is the next zone after Nar Shadaa, and the Tatooine bonus series follows right after the normal missions. So that means Tatooine will be able to reward you a lot of commendation badges. So if you have the 2 or 3 moddable items i talked about, then Tatooine is your chance to upgrade them all to get them back up on level. After Tatooine i believe is Alderaan, and the bonus series for Alderaan is a few levels later cause i think you go to Quesh then Taris (or maybe the reverse). So same situation as Nar Shadaa where you earn comm badges from the alderaan bonus series at level 40 for gear that is level 30 range. So that means in Nar Shadaa and Alderaan you may get fewer badges with which to upgrade your gear, so you will have to plan accordingly.


EDIT: also what crew skills do you have? sith warriors it is kinda hard to keep yourself and your comps gear up to date. So thats another thing you have to look at too.

Edited by swtonewbie
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I'm not sure how this is even possible. Even "trash greens" are an upgrade at some point. You get them frequently enough the WORST your gear should be is maybe 10 levels old on one or two pieces.

You can usually buy a green items on GTN for a few hundred credits. It's not great gear, but it's better than lvl 15.

Upgrade your mods with planet commendations whenever possible. And hold onto those orange items.

If a green item is an upgrade over your current orange, WEAR IT.

You also get some decent gear from flashpoints. Since they added the option to return to where you were, you should be qued at all times unless you are working on a class quest and don't want to be interupted.

As a tank, you will enjoy instant ques much of the time, so take advantage of that.

Edited by JacksonMo
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I upgrade mine as soon as I can. I don't wait for 10 levels to do it. You should get commendations from each planet and you can see the modification commendation vendror and they should have what you need. If that fails see if there are mods you can purchase from the gtn.


Fortunely for my guild we are lucky we have a cybertech that pretty much keeps us upgraded as soon as we can do it which helps.

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Hm, I seem to be way undercommed. (I also went straight to Nar Shadda instead of Balmorra, didn't understand that it was not giving me a choice) so I'm doing the balmorra quests right now. I do have a modable lightsaber and chest piece at the least. I have 22 DK coms, 2 Nar Shadda coms and some Balmorra (less than 5? I think). I also seem to be leveling way fast (maybe the days I just did my warzone dailies so my wife could use the game comp for school). I'm also getting lots of rest xp which may be hurting me.


Hjalti's skills are biochem, diplomacy and the biochem gathering. I don't have an artificer, synth weave or cybertech yet.

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the best way I've noticed to stay in level equivalent gear is to mix in flashpoints while you play through the story. The LFG system will que you for dungeons close to your level so the gear you get will be closer to your level then what you currently have. Also try buying gear from the gear vendors with commendations that you get from looting mobs and turning in quests. You also get current planet coms and next planet coms depending on the flashpoints you complete. So that way you can always buy gear ahead of level and grow into them with the higher planet coms that you get form flashpoints.

I used to try to keep my gear level equivalent with mods but it became such a head ache that i found it was better to buy the gear from the vendors of the planet I was on or the next planet depending on my level at the time to keep myself in level equivalent gear. Hope this helps. =)

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Hjalti's skills are biochem, diplomacy and the biochem gathering. I don't have an artificer, synth weave or cybertech yet.


There are a bunch of level 21 implants you can make. I'm not sure if you can get the schematics from the trainer or only from drops / GTN. That will give you at least 2 pieces of nice, level-adequate gear.

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Cybertech is very helpful for staying well geared as you can craft Armorings, which cost the most commendations. Anywho, you can keep a full set of gear well modded for you and a single companion by selecting coms as quest rewards and never armor or weapons (excepting usage mod rewards and orange armor that uprages you).
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