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LOL a couple FOTMs behind


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Not picking on you, BTW. Just more nerf calls make me think.


This sort of thing always makes me wonder where the right balance is at. Is everyone supposed to be the level as a Rage Marauder or an assassin hybrid? Or are they supposed to be more around the level of a DPS merc or lethality Operative? You play what is considered OP and get QQ about playing it. You play something that is considered underpowered and get QQ to play a more usefull class or spec. So what class is perfectly balanced and should be used as a compass at balancing the rest?


It seems to me that there is no compass around here other than if the class is good, it needs nerfed. If the class is bad, it needs buffed; so I find it makes it even more confusing when Bioware nerfs things that are not even mentioned.


I dont know about you friend but my lethality op has been topping dps charts pretty much since lvl 10 doing 300+k damage since level 18 doing both great aoe damage and sinle target burst.

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I dont know about you friend but my lethality op has been topping dps charts pretty much since lvl 10 doing 300+k damage since level 18 doing both great aoe damage and sinle target burst.


I have not tried it, but the point is, it is sort of maligned around here.

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Honestly I don't know what to think of it anymore.


If I were a dev, I'd never read these posts. It would be hard because most of them are seemingly meant to be cruel, and trollish in nature, but I speak from the heart when I say:



Waaay back when they announced some 'class balances' I used to just kind of shrug and think 'I guess they know what they are doing'.


But after months of BW miss-stepping in PVP I am convinced they really don't competitively PVP. I truly believe most of their understanding of PVP mechanics come from donut laden meetings in front of a white board. That's really all that makes sense.


Trust me when I say this because it's truth, and not meant to be malicious but all those jerk faces that said this game was going downhilll because of BW's fundamental changes in PVP... well I used to just wish those guys would unsub and move on to their next moaning session.


The pain of all this for me is I still LOVE this game. The nugget of it is beautiful imo and the base mechanics make for so MUCH potential (I think that's why so many of us are still here!). So it really pains me to see the direction of the last 3-4-5 months in PVP specifically. Such a beautiful thing spoiled... yet here I am still.... subscribing.

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At least half of the maras and nearly all the juggs I face in warzones are Rage as it is. I'm so tired of fighting the same rotation over and over. The entire community calls out for nerfs to this class and they respond by making things worse by making other specs less viable. A truly baffling move.
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I leveled a Marauder mostly for the lore and buff, but also since my main is a healer, I wanted to understand the class better in order to negate it in PvP. I let it sit for a while after reaching 50, and 2 days ago I logged onto it and, having never played Rage before (was always annhilation or carnage) respecced.


In full recruit gear, speccing into rage 30 seconds before the start of the WZ, having never even practiced the rotation against npc's, I got a 5k dmg medal and a 300k medal in an average Civil War game. Easiest, but most lethal, spec I've ever played / seen.


I'm sorry, but if this isnt the definition of OP, I dont know what is. I could list several more examples but I think this suffices.


*edit - I had a Battlemaster mainhand augmented that I purchased immediately upon hitting 50.

Edited by wbtusmc
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I leveled a Marauder mostly for the lore and buff, but also since my main is a healer, I wanted to understand the class better in order to negate it in PvP. I let it sit for a while after reaching 50, and 2 days ago I logged onto it and, having never played Rage before (was always annhilation or carnage) respecced.


In full recruit gear, speccing into rage 30 seconds before the start of the WZ, having never even practiced the rotation against npc's, I got a 5k dmg medal and a 300k medal in an average Civil War game. Easiest, but most lethal, spec I've ever played / seen.


I'm sorry, but if this isnt the definition of OP, I dont know what is. I could list several more examples but I think this suffices.


*edit - I had a Battlemaster mainhand augmented that I purchased immediately upon hitting 50.


LOL I thought about trying that as I have a marauder I just hit 50 with and moved on. He does have a few pieces of BM though.


Either way. At least now you know what is coming and can plan accordingly. I have an assassin I use for dailies as he is capable of doing it the fastest with a 31/10/0 build due to stealth, survivability and yet plenty of damage to burst down trash. There are so many different assassin builds, I have no idea what to expect when one pops out at me. lol


If they ever nerf one, I have plenty more to go to.

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honestly I hate rage spec, esp. when pugging pvp. It was always too squishy for me. Annihilation was my preferred spec for the awesome dots, healing as a bonus. This heal nerf honestly will be minor, at least in PVP.


I already preferred Carnage over anni for PvP so; I'm biased. I did like anni though much better than rage. This was all pre-1.4 though, so a lot has changed.

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At least half of the maras and nearly all the juggs I face in warzones are Rage as it is. I'm so tired of fighting the same rotation over and over. The entire community calls out for nerfs to this class and they respond by making things worse by making other specs less viable. A truly baffling move.


I actually don't mind smashers. they are easy to see, and easy to kill.

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