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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PVP experience on all chars


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Just incase any new players or anyone curious cares...... . BTW I will put this in a few categories


Sentinel/mara -

Pug - Great, the stealth and quick dmg ingore ability really helps. This is a class if you want to top the charts you def can with ease. If you are pugging I actually like the regular 50 bm set bonus (I don't have wh even yet so maybe I'm wrong) because the dmg ignore is sick. A healed wz you can near 1mil in only bm gear if that is your only goal! When your goal is teamplay you can keep a node safe for awhile as long as there is los nearby and your cds are up. Huttball you can do great but honestly if you are playing a premade and your team sucks you will have a darn hard time scoring.


Premade- omg the few times I've premade this class is by far the best in the game. Lots of fun and easy


Mercenary/commando -


Pug - Great in hutball. Otherwise you are pretty dependent on the team makeup. If match is near even you can def top the chart on kbs and really make a difference, however if your team sucks and they have a buttload of wars then good luck


Teamplay - well still weak imo since my other classes don't need healing, however if you have a ph then you can just destroy the other team. I only have 2 wh pieces but I still kill anyone I target pretty fast if ignored.


Vanguard/ptech -


Pug- omg great class as long as you have good awareness. In pug play this is actually one of the highest hardcap skill classes (however the softcap is super low lol). Most classes of equal gear and skill should beat you but if you play well and you make the match yours you will usually (war classes will top if aoe friendly and you don't spread dots like a noob) top the chart on kbs. Also if your goal is only dmg then you can do stupid dot spreading and have insane dmg. If you do this for anything more than epeen then you suck though as this dmg is worthless (although I have gotten 1mil before by stroking my epeen this way hehe).


Teamplay - kinda boring in a good premade since if you have healing this class is the easiest of the 8. Great class thogh just weaker than the war classes by a tiny bit.


Shadow/sin -


Pug - really depends from great to weak. great for chart if thats your goal. Lots of fun to play in infiltration for laughs as you destroy ppl 1v1.


Teamplay - great class in a good premade. You can really control the match. Huttball you are god.


Sorc/sage -


Pug - well its best class imo for chart dmg stat. but really its pretty weak in even matches with healers. If there aren't healers though its pretty good. Also, as in most mmos, it is the best pre 50 class in most matches. With low hp, lack of good healers, and dots you will destroy pre-50s.


Premade - depends on your premade. Your spot is better filled by other classes honestly but you can def top the chart for your epeen.


Jug/guard -


Pug - super fun and prob easiest class to play in game. Great for chart and you have a great 1v1 spec or great chart spec. your pick


Premade - if you have a good premade then even if you are a special needs donkey you will destroy people. Probably the easiest class to play in a premade with good results.


Scoundrel/op -


Pug - if your goal is griefing then once you have some gear you will do great. Also if you want to play for the chart dmg then spread your crap and you will do great. Otherwise it is like all mmos that it is very gear dependent.


Teamplay - you need to have mad skills if you want to be the best you can be. You can do insane dmg on the chart or kill anyone 1v1 if you are geared even if you suck as a player, however you need to be smart if you want to actually matter. Keep in mind though that 99% of people won't realize you are the one skilled person of your class since most people will look at the chart. A great scoundrel doesn't give a crap about the chart in most matches if they are in a premade.




Pug - hardest to cllassify. Imo the most skilled will go mm (sniper) and focus on st burst if they are pug players since this can help their pugs win. This dmg will be less on chart than equal skilled of the other 2 trees. Although I have never been beat on chart dmg by the other 2 trees lol so idk what those noobs are doing :)


Premade - If you have a good premade that protects you and you have some gear and skill you will be a great assest. Your spec really depends on the wz and what your team needs (as well as the other team). All 3 trees have their uses and really this class is the most versatile.


Overall all classes are great in certain situations and if we can get more even matches this game's pvp would be great!


I'm having a few beers because when you have to boss around new engineers it gets really tiring so please ask me anything I forgot due to my buzz :)

Edited by DarthRaika
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