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Security Authenticator for Windows Phone 8


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  • 3 weeks later...
Another here wanting a windows phone 8 authenticator app please! Or at least give those of us that cannot use the iOS/Android ones the cartel coins while we wait for you to finish the windows phone 8 app :/
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  • 3 weeks later...
:rak_02: Wow. This thread was started in November of last year and still no WP8 security key app? Come on guys. What's the hold up?



There is no hold up. The reality is in comparison with Android and iOS, very few people use WP8 and fewer still play SWTOR. It would not be financially sound to spend time creating or porting the app for WP8.


It's not gonna happen.

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There is no hold up. The reality is in comparison with Android and iOS, very few people use WP8 and fewer still play SWTOR. It would not be financially sound to spend time creating or porting the app for WP8.


It's not gonna happen.


ummm wrong.


The effort is MINIMAL.

In fact if they want to sign me on for this I can do it in a week or less. The key generation code is written. All they have to do is write a front end for it that is compatible with WP8 (like I don't know, HTML5 maybe?) Heck even if it has to be done in xaml it wouldn't take more than a couple of days. We are not talking about a complicated application. Check time/date, generate key based on algorithm and time/date, display to user, revert to home screen after 15 seconds. Oh yeah and a settings page for initial sync with account.

Besides if they sell the the physical one for 5 bucks they could sell the app for $1.99 and make their money back based on just the responses in this thread.

There is little to no effort involved. And as for the market share, you need to go read up on that as well.

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ummm wrong.


The effort is MINIMAL.

In fact if they want to sign me on for this I can do it in a week or less. The key generation code is written. All they have to do is write a front end for it that is compatible with WP8 (like I don't know, HTML5 maybe?) Heck even if it has to be done in xaml it wouldn't take more than a couple of days. We are not talking about a complicated application. Check time/date, generate key based on algorithm and time/date, display to user, revert to home screen after 15 seconds. Oh yeah and a settings page for initial sync with account.

Besides if they sell the the physical one for 5 bucks they could sell the app for $1.99 and make their money back based on just the responses in this thread.

There is little to no effort involved. And as for the market share, you need to go read up on that as well.


I see what you mean about market share. 5.6% is pretty nice!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Making a FREE authenticator is based upon market share ?


They clearly don't know what they are talking about. For example, porting the android app to blackberry takes 1 day since the new blackberry generation is using the android runtime.


I forgot, it's more important to develop ****** items for the cartel market. Nice job EA/BW !

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Making a FREE authenticator is based upon market share ?


They clearly don't know what they are talking about. For example, porting the android app to blackberry takes 1 day since the new blackberry generation is using the android runtime.


I forgot, it's more important to develop ****** items for the cartel market. Nice job EA/BW !

I think you're the one that doesn't know what they're talking about.


I don't know about where you work, but at my job, people expect to be paid for the work they do.

BioWare does not develop the authenticator... it's done by a 3rd party who expects to be paid for it and then BioWare soaks up that fee as a cost of doing business rather than charge us for downloading the app.


Yes, that's right... BioWare loses money every time someone downloads the sec key app.


So that authenticator is anything but free and until their bean counters show that it's worth the expense for them to pay to give it away on a less-popular mobile OS, they aren't gonna do it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Crud... I hadn't even thought of this. I currently have an iPhone, but my next phone may very well be Windows. That would suck if I couldn't use SK anymore.


No me gusta!


There really is not relevant excuse not to offer this. Yes, I've read some of the responses in this thread. I am on the side that considers this to be relatively cheap and easy to accomplish. So what's the hold up???

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There really is not relevant excuse not to offer this.


1% market share is plenty of reason.


Besides.... how long before Microsoft flushes the phone OS.... thus doing what it always does when it fails to penetrate a me-too market? They have no problems killing off a failed product lines.


Nokia I think still has some future (though never what it was), but Windows Phone is sadly another failed attempt by Microsoft to be something other then what it is. Then again.. they just gave Balmer a size 12 to the keester.. so maybe they can bring in some actual working leadership to right the behemoth.


Nokia can move their great phoneware design to Android when the toilet at MS flushes again. But then.. they are just the runt in the market again.

Edited by Andryah
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  • 3 months later...

Get the hardware version key. It's only 5 dollars. (remember when people said RotHC was "only 10 dollars". There better not be one of those people in this thread.)


You get an extra 100 coins a month even if you go Premium unlike the app versions. It's been reported while they can keep it on their account if they cancel their sub, app version users no longer get the 100 coins per month.

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I currently have a windows 8 phone and I am switching back to iphone the second I can afford it. It was the stupidest move for me personally I have ever done. Mine was made by samsung, but others might be better - freezes, no service while others on the same carrier with iphones do have service, updates not working or even installing, no legacy support, etc... the lack of features and bug list goes on.


I can see why they don't support windows phones atm. Perhaps later. My experiment is over and I will never go back to another windows phone again.

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  • 3 months later...
I currently have a windows 8 phone and I am switching back to iphone the second I can afford it. It was the stupidest move for me personally I have ever done. Mine was made by samsung....


not trying to be a ********, but I am pretty sure why your WP was crap.. Nokia is the only phone model allowed to produce WPs so it is safe to say you got a hack phone. Try getting an actual WP and you will see the difference.


and on topic. Yes please to a wp authenicator

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not trying to be a ********, but I am pretty sure why your WP was crap.. Nokia is the only phone model allowed to produce WPs so it is safe to say you got a hack phone. Try getting an actual WP and you will see the difference.


and on topic. Yes please to a wp authenicator


You are not correct about Nokia being the only maker allowed to make WP8 devices. Microsoft's own Windows Phone page advertise Nokia, Samsung, and HTC Windows Phones. I have a Samsung ATIV S Neo myself, and really like it.


I'd also like to poke for a WP Security Key. I'm not sure why this is such an issue, this isn't an app that needs to be developed internally, their vendor, Vasco, already makes a WP version of Digipass Mobile, their unbranded version is even available in the Windows Phone Appstore. Blizzard and Trion both offer WP versions as well. And Vasco's own documentation goes on and on about how easy it is to brand and deploy. If they made the assets for one platform it seems they should work with other platforms and this is more about being cheap and lazy then having any real technical roadblocks. http://www.vasco.com/products/client_products/software_digipass/digipass_for_mobile.aspx

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