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New marauder looking for help


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I don't how far you have gotten, I have a 50 marauder and a 50 sentinel (yes I love the class that much), stack strength and accu. And while you lvl go annihilation tree so you can semi-heal yourself with your burns, I played through the game with my marauder as carnage with a healer and it was okay. When I leveled my sentinel though I went watchman (anni) and used a dps toon. I DECIMATED targets, I usually had to heal in between some fights, but not many, now with us being able to gain double rage you will be able to use berserk more often and heal yourself much easier. Also, even if you decide to go lightside in the end, make sure you play through dark side and get jaesa to fall, it’s so much more satisfying to have her as a disciple in love with you.

For pvp, defense juggs, well, there is a crap load to learn about pvp, we are glass cannons with limited invincibility. If your CD's are down you better dish out the dps or have a medpac, if they are up you have to decide if you are going to use them to finish him off or run away.

More than any gear or any cooldowns, the deciding factor when it comes to marauders in pvp is your skill, we are unqiue in our playstyle. I know 50% of marauders never lvl past 32 cause it gets too hard, and 50% of lvl 50s in pvp are 2 hit kills, I will never fall to another mara in pvp. It all keybindings and using our cc's effectively. We have like 4 interupts, its crazy

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