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why did they stop making the history vids


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With a dwindling player base, free to play looming around the corner, and customer service becoming more and more diconnected from answering any questions, I'm starting to think this game will not get expanded on with any big content releases, only small additions of content here and there. I would love to see them push past the interlude after chapter 3 and expand the storylines into the next phase of the war, but I think that ship has sailed. Free to play is usually a last ditch effort to suck as much money out of a title until they sell the hosting rights to a shadey micro-managing company like Aeria or Perfect World Entertainment. I've very sad that the game has fallen into the shape it's in now, and have been a loyal customer/fan since beta.


I'm hoping Bioware proves me wrong on all accounts, and continues the SWTOR story with new and impressive expansions to further develope the story and the old republic experience. Only time will tell.

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