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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Commando vs Smuggler Advice


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Hey everyone!


I've been wanting to make a healing focused character but I'm torn between the Commando and Scoundrel. Obviously I'm curious which is the better healer but I'd also like to know which people think are more versatile, fun to play, better story, etc. So, what are your thoughts?

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I have both though the commando is not a healer ( I do have a heal specced BH though).

I enjoy playing the smuggler as a healer more due to the fact that its a cross between a paladin and druid healer from wow (both classes ive played in the past)

Both stories are enjoyable, both classes have some nifty tricks up their sleeves but for me my smuggler is my healer of choice.


Best bet would be to level both upto about 30 then choose from there.

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As a Sentinel, which everyone will tell you is uberimabaopsuperpowered(thats sarcasm), scoundrels are harder to pin down, but commandos are harder to kill. I would recomend scoundrel to anyone wanting to play healer first, but a well played commando, especially with a guard is very hard to finish off.
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