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<Gangnam Style> is recruiting!


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Are you a pretty big guild or are you just starting out? I am the coGM of Children of Korriban. We have just over 150 characters in our guild, we have 3 Ops nights a week and we are looking to add a PvP night as well. We are very casual(no requirements to be on for Ops, just make it if you can), and we are very fun and laid back. We also have a paid Ventrilo server.

Anyway, our recruitment post, guild site, and contact email address are listed in my signature.

If you are not interested in merging, then sorry to have wasted your time and please ignore this message :)

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Are you a pretty big guild or are you just starting out? I am the coGM of Children of Korriban. We have just over 150 characters in our guild, we have 3 Ops nights a week and we are looking to add a PvP night as well. We are very casual(no requirements to be on for Ops, just make it if you can), and we are very fun and laid back. We also have a paid Ventrilo server.

Anyway, our recruitment post, guild site, and contact email address are listed in my signature.

If you are not interested in merging, then sorry to have wasted your time and please ignore this message :)


thank you for your response. But we're not looking to merge. this is a republic guild. But feel free to put a toon in Gangnam Style and dance with sexy ladies!

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