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Annihilation/Watchman Endgame PvE (Dummy Parsers, Info and explanations)


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Hiya folks,


Currently I'm trying to perfectionize the gear of a watchman/annihilation tree on the sentinel/marauder.

Since short I've reached a couple of times the 2.1k dps on the Ops dummy for combat/carnage but it seems that I'm still slacking around with the watchman/annihilation spec. Using MOX parser the max numbers are around 1900 dps but it does get lower in variations of gear setups.


- To begin the details about gear:

Exotech Might stim, all class buffs, no adrenals and no or 1 inspiration.

Strenght of currently 2189

30% is around dread guard stuff, 70% is black hole stuff


Currently I can exchange the following stuff:

I'm currently on a 242 crit rating which I can drop to a lower crit rating of 176 (changing implants).

I can exchange the 2x WH Power relic for 1 Proc relic (The energy one or the internal one)

I'm currently on a 231 accuracy rating which I can increase to 288 accuracy rating or make a decrease to 174 accuracy rating. (Exchange accuracy for surge in both ways)


- Skill tree

I'm currently using a 31/3/7 tree. The middle and right points are obvious, the left I choose a fully buffed force leap/force charge with reduced cooldown, increased focus and decreased range. Explanation will be followed in the next part. I have no extra cooldown on the interrupts.


- Prioritylist / Rotations

As far as it seems, the first thing to keep in mind are keeping the dots up at all time. This is priority and basic number one of full watchman. I'll continue with a short idea of my rotation. I also will use only the republic terms to keep this post as less confusing as possible.


Force leap is bounded with overload saber. Since force leap has the same cooldown as overload saber and since overload saber is an instant ability, I usually do: Overload saber, Force leap.

However, there is one situation in which I dont combine them and that's when cauterize OR merciless slash is up.

If just one of the two is available, i'll use the available one combined with overload saber.

If both are up, i'll use cauterize combined with overload saber followed up by merciless slash.


After this detail note I'll follow up with a priority list concerning the main damage dealers. (Focus Builders will be followed up)

Overload Saber > Cauterize > Merciless Slash > Slash/Master strike.


Note on Slash/Master Strike. I only use Slash when cauterize is on cooldown (Which happens a lot) and when I have 7 or more focus.. Master strike is only used when the target is burning from cauterize & overload saber ánd when the cooldowns of Overload Saber, Cauterize & Merciless Slash are above 4 seconds.


Focus building. Since Force Leap is combined or close with overload saber, we don't have to concern a lot about this one. Zealous strike is mostly used when Focus is around 4 or 5 and when I'm close before using Merciless Slash. Almost everytime after a 13/14 seconds I'm low on focus and will need this zealous strike to build up before using a merciless slash.

Strike is used when i've outputted too much focus. This happens mostly after 6 a 7 seconds after zealous strike since heavy dps outage costs a lot of focus. Mostly after a "burst" of merciless slash I'm tring to increase focus again back to 6 a 7, because above that range you can use slash without concerning about too low focus.


For now I guess I've told the main idea of how I play the watchman and which is mostly the basic rule of the watchman sentinel. Though it could be that there are missing details or whole other approaches of how to play.


I'm not uploading any parsers yet since I've multiple logs average on 1750, 1800 and 1850 with exceptions of 1900 maxima's but since I don't know/remember on which gear setup it was..


I hope that you guys can upload average parses where there is nothing exceptional on mind using exotech/rakata stim, all class buffs and no or once inspiration and no adrenals (adrenals can disguise and tune up logs incredibly, which makes comparing quite hard).



To keep this forum easily readable I request those willing to reply to keep stuff organized.

I'm searching for more than just a 2 sentence explanation and I would also see noted about which part you're talking about (for example, note that you're talking about the skill tree and you'll continue the story).

Most important of all, KEEP ON TOPIC AND SUBJECT


I hope that together we can gain more statistics and information about this tree so that more players can enjoy it without spending too many millions of credits and hours of time to tune the class role ^^ (I've done it for Combat, I don't wanna do that again for Watchman/Annihilation).

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Strenght of currently 2189

I'm currently on a 242 crit rating which I can drop to a lower crit rating of 176 (changing implants).

I can exchange the 2x WH Power relic for 1 Proc relic (The energy one or the internal one)

I'm currently on a 231 accuracy rating which I can increase to 288 accuracy rating or make a decrease to 174 accuracy rating. (Exchange accuracy for surge in both ways)

If you want to maximize your damage output in watchman spec, it looks to me like you have too much strength, critical rating, and accuracy rating. Here I did some quick calculations which imply that power is more beneficial than strength for a watchman.


So to truly maximize your damage I would think that you would need to change all of the augments to power augments, itemize all of your modifiable gear to be power/surge (except for 1 power/accuracy) and use the power/accuracy implants. Doing that should maximize your power while keeping your accuracy around 95%+.


I'm currently using a 31/3/7 tree.

I assume you mean this. If so then no suggestions.


As far as it seems, the first thing to keep in mind are keeping the dots up at all time. This is priority and basic number one of full watchman. I'll continue with a short idea of my rotation. I also will use only the republic terms to keep this post as less confusing as possible.


Force leap is bounded with overload saber. Since force leap has the same cooldown as overload saber and since overload saber is an instant ability, I usually do: Overload saber, Force leap.

However, there is one situation in which I dont combine them and that's when cauterize OR merciless slash is up.

If just one of the two is available, i'll use the available one combined with overload saber.

If both are up, i'll use cauterize combined with overload saber followed up by merciless slash.


After this detail note I'll follow up with a priority list concerning the main damage dealers. (Focus Builders will be followed up)

Overload Saber > Cauterize > Merciless Slash > Slash/Master strike.


Note on Slash/Master Strike. I only use Slash when cauterize is on cooldown (Which happens a lot) and when I have 7 or more focus.. Master strike is only used when the target is burning from cauterize & overload saber ánd when the cooldowns of Overload Saber, Cauterize & Merciless Slash are above 4 seconds.


Focus building. Since Force Leap is combined or close with overload saber, we don't have to concern a lot about this one. Zealous strike is mostly used when Focus is around 4 or 5 and when I'm close before using Merciless Slash. Almost everytime after a 13/14 seconds I'm low on focus and will need this zealous strike to build up before using a merciless slash.

Strike is used when i've outputted too much focus. This happens mostly after 6 a 7 seconds after zealous strike since heavy dps outage costs a lot of focus. Mostly after a "burst" of merciless slash I'm tring to increase focus again back to 6 a 7, because above that range you can use slash without concerning about too low focus.


Based on how I'm interpreting your rotation, it needs some work. Take a look here for some tips (look for priority list). As for the aside on Master Strike there, on the dummy since you are trying to maximize damage it should probably fit in between cauterize and slash on the priority list.


The biggest note for your rotation though is merciless strike is more important than using cauterize. It does more damage in one hit than cauterize does in it's dot. The only reason it isn't first on your list is because overload sabers does not respect the global cooldown and is therefore "free" damage.


Just a final note because I didn't see it mentioned; I assume you use zen every time you can, if not you should it greatly increases the damage of your dots.


Please take my suggestions with a grain of salt, I'm not the best sentinel in the game nor do I believe that there is one way to play a spec. These are just simply suggestions on how I would try and increase my damage output. Hope this information helps you to your ultimate goal.

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If you want to maximize your damage output in watchman spec, it looks to me like you have too much strength, critical rating, and accuracy rating. Here I did some quick calculations which imply that power is more beneficial than strength for a watchman.



This part is inaccurate.


1) Always augment main stat. There really isn't any need to go over this again.


2) A Watchman needs 285 accuracy in 61 gear. 95% is not enough for Ops bosses. 285 puts you right under 100%.


3) Dropping crit rating would have minimal impact on your DPS. My parsing data has shown a 1.3% DPS difference between a crit rating of 164 and a rating of 328.

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Do you mean elemental or internal?




Note, I"ve being parsing again and hit the 2k for around 2 minutes. After that I'm still screwing up the rotation/priorities on one way decreasing it to a 1.9k. ARGH I WANT 2K on THIS SPEC!


Any other + 5 min logs without adrenals showing that stuff? I'm very very curious about them (just as other probably)

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