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Winning WZs After Quitters Leave


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That's not always the case. When I play my lowbie alts I'm very vocal about calling out baddies. I'm also usually on the top of the scoreboard. I think you are overlooking the fact that there are A LOT of terrible lowbie pvpers. 90% of the time spewing out frustration in ops chat is completely justified.


> 90% of the time spewing out frustration in ops chat is completely justified


False. Why? Because teammates are not your mother, brother, or anyone else interested in listening to pointless frustration spewing. If something or somebody sucks, point out what's needed constructively, suck it up, or leave. It's friggin' lowbie pvp...


Tl;dr? WZ chat =/= your personal therapist.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Winning after some pvp guilded full war hero quits, before the match even starts, which is what I see routinely, is extremely satisfying. It's like they're assessing their team and judging you a loser before things even start. The only way that gets sweeter is if you seem them backfill on the other side and you still win. Har har har.


On a topical tangent, if anyone really wants to marginalize and reduce the quitter aspect, then advocate that EA give social points for enduring rather than rage quitting. It won't stop pros slumming down from rateds from whining about baddies. But I guarantee you queue times will shorten and there will be baddies and alts of baddies up the ying yang doing pvp to get the latest sparkle dust spewing mutant droid pet doohicky for everyone to roflstomp.


They'll be roflstomped and they'll like it!

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That's not always the case. When I play my lowbie alts I'm very vocal about calling out baddies. I'm also usually on the top of the scoreboard. I think you are overlooking the fact that there are A LOT of terrible lowbie pvpers. 90% of the time spewing out frustration in ops chat is completely justified.


This post makes me think you have your scoreboard sorted in ascending order.

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Winning a Warzone after quitters quit is very sweet indeed, especially if they berated the team before they quit.

Yeah but this is damn rare. I hardly see anyone berate the team before leaving anymore in 50 PvP. The apathy is strong in 50 PvP. There is a reason they quit and that reason is often undergeared PUG vs a team with better composition and gear. Another reason people leave is if the team aren't doing objectives and ignores call for help. You just can't win a such warzone.

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That's not always the case. When I play my lowbie alts I'm very vocal about calling out baddies. I'm also usually on the top of the scoreboard. I think you are overlooking the fact that there are A LOT of terrible lowbie pvpers. 90% of the time spewing out frustration in ops chat is completely justified.

Well I know how you feel but you are just killing the morale for the other person that might want to do some serious PvP. I get kind of pissed when I have to charge in first on south in NC with my healer because the cattle stop charging if I stop charging. When they see 4 jumping monkeys jumping to me they run around the corner and hide lol. Sometimes I wonder if I'll manage to do the lvl 40-50 commendation grind without losing my sanity.

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