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Creeping Terror / Madness set up time


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Hey guys, I just had a bit of a question / concern.


I am loving the madness spec, I really am, but it takes 4 GCDs to even get set up properly, and thats kicking my butt in pvp, and making me rarely use thrash in pve.


Standard I open up with death field, then lightning discharge, then creeping terror, then thrash until a raze prorcs. Now raze procs, I hit it, and....all the dots are already wearing off and I have to spend another 3 GCDs setting them up. Just seems like a hell of a lot of downtime. I am not 50 yet, so maybe its worth it, but I spend more time pointing at the mob or slinging lightning that doesnt do damage at it.


Theres no frontloaded damage to either lightning discharge or creeping terror, and they dont last very long (id like to see both last 21 sec =\) Creeping terror doesnt even seem to do that much damage, should I have it in my DPS rotation, or is it just for runners in pvp, and ....I dunno for pve?


Seems thrash does more damage in one hit than terror over its durration. Any tips or advice would be helpful, I honestly feel like I am doing something wrong. Yes I do lots of damage, it just ....FEELS wrong, like I am spending too much time hitting em.


Also shock seems kinda poop for the force cost, even with +10% melee damage and 45% extra shock, am I missing something?


edit* this is also the only DPS class I have played where every single attack type is either white damage, kinetic, or energy. All of which are affected vs armor, and this classs has 0 armor pen (unless you're deception then only 9%) Is this an issue? Seems like tanks will poop on me.

Edited by Chiltonium
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for PVP if your only interested in madness, going up the madness tree to creeping terror isnt so good. If you don't want to spec deception (which btw is fantastic in pvp) then go with the 14/28 or w/e build. Basically you take out creeping terror etc for stronger hitting mauls
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for PVP if your only interested in madness, going up the madness tree to creeping terror isnt so good. If you don't want to spec deception (which btw is fantastic in pvp) then go with the 14/28 or w/e build. Basically you take out creeping terror etc for stronger hitting mauls


I just didnt fine deception fun to be honest, imadness seems a much more fast paced playstyle, having to constantly monitor tons of stuff. Unearthed KNowledg, crit buff, maul procs, raze procs, dots, I feel like im never just spamming thrash to spam thrash but to accomplish a proc or something.


Deception was just volitic slash x2 shock, discharge, repeat. maul when appropriate. Very simple, and did great burst like my oeprative, but very boring :(


That being said I may wind up speccing it anyway just because it seems better than madness now, those damage reduction talents coupled with the 2% in madness are nice.


edit* also, volitic slash looks stupid :( It looks cool if its something you tossed out every once in a while, but spamming it just looks like a pinwheel.


I would have liked to see creeping terror be something like acid blade, non GCD applied on maul, or thrash, or anything really, taking out that extra GCD thats making it feel wonky.

Edited by Chiltonium
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I run on madness also and from my point of view madness is a insta dot spec, as opposed to merc/mando arsnel/gunnery where you have 2-3 sec cast times to do damage. Yes it seems like it takes a while to get the dps really flowing with 3 dots at a time firing something off every global cooldown unlike mercs arsnel or mando gunnary where you have to wait 2-3 sec casting traser/grav round spam before using unload. So when you look at it madness is a high speed spec. As for Creeping Terror it is part of my rotation simply because it is a dot, I can fire it off and forget about it until it ends. Granted I play mostly PvE and its been a while since I ran PvP with that spec but my adivce would be to use it on ball handler or to freeze people in the acid pits/fire squares in huttball.
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