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Jaessa dark-side


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Hello everyone,


what do I need to do to get Jaessa dark-side? Currently my warrior is neutral, so getting more dark-side than light-side points shouldn't be a problem. Do I need a certain amount of dark-side points, do I need to make certain options?



From what I could find you have to let her kill her master, but apparently that options isn't always there.



Thank you in advance!

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you need to kill her family on alderaan, and her old master on tatooine. this will drive her crazy. i think you have to be neutral at the very least.



Not true. I handled Jaesa with the utmost care. I wanted her to see dark side as the good option. Really mess her up Dark is good and light is bad. I spared her master, I found her parents and got Darth Baras to lavish her parents in luxury. I did not make her kill her master just told her to leave him there. All I did to turn Jaesa is when she asked what should she do now that her master had gone crazy. I said turn to the dark-side and she did.


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