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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pets that fight


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The whole idea that i have seen behind vanity pets is they are there to look at. That being said, i think that some pets should be able to fight but not because of the damage bonuses, because of the look. When i charge into battle and my tauntaun just stands there with a blank look on his face I am a bit saddened because he could be doing so much more.


In the case of a tauntaun, fighting isnt likely what I would expect. It would be cute to see him running around freaking out and trying to avoid battle while staying close to my character. A pet that were a little smarter, such as a pet lizard monkey like they are planing on releasing with the next update, might even try to find cover and point and laugh occasionally as I fell a foe. Then there are the fighters. If I have a nexu cub that imprinted itself on my character when I hatched it from an egg, I dont think he is going to leave my side. This doesnt mean he is an effective combatant though, after all he is just a cub. That said 1 point of damage every few seconds isnt likely to break the combat system but it would let me see my pet activly participating in what happens around it. A miniature battle droid could do the same only this time instead of biting he finds cover and then fires an occasional shot from an oversized cannon that knocks him on his butt once again only doing 1 point of damage.


We dont need the fighting to be extensive but an occasional point of damage will sell our pets and give them a bit more personallity than a gizka. Anyways I would be interested to know what others thought of this.


PS Please make a gizka pet. And whenever your character waits for a cirtain period of time with the gizka pet active, other gizka come and join the first one untill you move. Then have the crowd scatter. That would be the most epic pet ever. Please Please Please!!!

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Pet fighting that involves gambling. Im in.




Before people start arguing about ratings... look at your tv... its a lot worse.


SW has gambling, and sister kissing. And people want to worry about ratings over gambling so their kids can play.


Its an MMO, kids should not be playing MMOs unsupervised thats for sure. Or otherwise they will put too much time into the game.


Therefore if an MMO is not for kids, then they should cater more for adults with reasonable content that is also not offensive or too niche that it restricts certain adults/or younger adults from wanting to participate with that development.


This game has pole dancers in the cantina. Are we still stuck on the idea that gambling is bad for swtor?


It will make this game better. And its not offensive. If parents do not want their kids to play in gambling games for fake money then they dont have to, or better yet they shouldn't play an MMO unsupervised because they will probably give up a lot of other opportunities in their lives by playing MMOs.


Or maybe parents would like to pay the bills for swtor to keep the game running. Not just the server bills, but also development costs... or otherwise its called catering to the demands of the market, and very reasonable demands as well.


So when the heck are we going to see pazaak, or swoop racing in this game. I dont even necessarily want it to involve gambling... but if it had gambling it would be huge for swtor. And player bounties.

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