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Focus/Rage parse?


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Anyone have one of these to link. I was having a discussion with a friend of mine yesterday. Im just curious as to the damage allotment on a full parse. For example on the 2k plus parses I have seen for carnage Masacre and Ataru procs are the top 2 damage dealers by about 5% above any other source, even though scream is the "big hitter".
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Anyone have one of these to link. I was having a discussion with a friend of mine yesterday. Im just curious as to the damage allotment on a full parse. For example on the 2k plus parses I have seen for carnage Masacre and Ataru procs are the top 2 damage dealers by about 5% above any other source, even though scream is the "big hitter".


I feel, when I was testing Rage after 1.4, that there is more I could've done to optimize DPS if I'd stuck with it longer (most notably better use of Rupture as a filler, similar to Carnage), but it basically broke out to 30% each for Smash and Vicious Slash, ~15% for Ravage, and ~10% each for Obliterate and Force Crush. The last 5% covered Assault, Battering Assault, and Choke (of which, Assault and Choke are not that frequently required).


In actual fights, with actual movement, Vicious Slash tends to drop off somewhat, and Ravage, Obliterate, and Crush all creep up a bit. Smash stays at around 30% regardless.


Of most relevance, I am seriously excited to see how 1.5 changes the landscape. With free respecs for subscribers and the Field Respec Legacy unlock (which I have), you could very feasibly Smash all the trash, and then swap to Anni or Carnage as needed for bosses, which would make at least one Marauder even more desirable for raiding than it already is (I can hear the screams for Nerf Marauder already).


It would also remove the need to worry about Ops Dummy numbers for Rage, as there's no real reason why you would need to keep the spec for bosses, so its AoE output on trash would become the primary criteria, and its single target DPS nearly moot.

Edited by Omophorus
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