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Lack of combat players.


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Combat is still a very powerful spec, the only problem is that the changes to Focus have done a few things that explain why you do not see very many combat players.


1. Focus is FOTM right now. Whether OP or not, the changes to the spec have piqued the interest of a lot of sentinels into trying it out. Some will decide they still do not like it, and return to Combat, but others will undoubtedly stay Focus.


2. Combat and Focus are both burst trees, so they are far more comparable to each other than either is to Watchman. So naturally, people want the "better" burst tree. And at least right now, whether it's actually true or not, Focus is seen as the better burst tree right now. In fact, there is a thread in the Marauder section titled "Carnage is Dead." Carnage is the Marauder version of Combat. Why is this? Well, if you go to that thread and read it, you will see why people say such things, some of which do indeed have merit, others not so much. Basically, compared to Combat, Focus is far easier to achieve incredible results. It is much easier to shut down a Combat Sentinel than it is a Focus Sentinel.


I personally still thoroughly enjoy Combat, more so than Focus, and the added difficulty to succeed makes it more satisfying when I do get results. But even I can admit that there are days when Focus just has it so much easier and I wonder why I don't just go Focus full time. Combat is still a very good spec, and you will have no trouble getting into ranked games (80% Transcendence is beast) but in terms of damage, Focus is outperforming right now.

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yeah combat is like any decent player knows where to break your rotation...

to me it feels that the more BiS you are the better it will be for the combat spec'd sentinels to burst people down.

probably the same is true for focus


as for watchman which is my favorite spec, it seems to be a little more forgiving on gear.

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I love my combat sent, its the only spec I enjoy playing by far. Ive tried watchman, Ive tried focus, and the playstyle just seems a bit too.... clunky I guess? for me. Idk if thats the word Im looking for, but the other two specs just dont click for me. Yeah, focus is nice, hitting for 3.5-6K per person is fun and all, but combat just feels better and smoother too me, although it is really easy to shut down.
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I can see why now. Hit 50 and even had full BM when I hit 50. Put it on went to pvp. Cant get the momentum up just die within seconds and get focused FAST. I dont want to sound like I'm complaining just not a very viable pvp spec with how stun happy this game is.
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Combat is still a good spec i recently changed to that... with the recent survivability nerfs to watchman i don't see much reason to change back you just gotta be thoughtful about how smart your opposition is and try to only use your precision buffed master strike when the person you're facing is stupid and won't stun to get maximum dps.. (i still mess this up all the time) I do more pve dmg in combat as well ymmv.


You'd be surprised how many times you can get a derpsmasher because they're so concentrated on getting a smash off they'll eat the whole precision slash buffed master strike into blade storm..

Edited by AngusFTW
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