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Did the Zabraks get the short end of the stick?


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On the Republic side, Zabraks get human skin colors and normal Zabrak facial tattoos. On the Empire side, they get skin in various shades of red and Darth Maul tattoos. Unfortunately it seems that if I unlock both with the Legacy system I won't be able to mix features, which makes no sense. If I want to be, say, a red Zabrak Jedi Knight, I would like one with Empire red skin, Republic tattoos, Republic horns, and Republic eyes. The eyes would especially be an issue for me, because Empire Zabrak eyes show dark side corruption. A light side Zabrak Jedi Knight would not be likely to have those eyes. Neither would a light side Zabrak Sith Inquisitor, for that matter. And a non-Force sensitive Bounty Hunter wouldn't have them.


Empire Zabraks just seem an excuse to make a Darth Maul clone to me.

Edited by ValleyOfTheWind
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They are two distinct subspecies. The crazy eyes and red skin are unique to the - I believe - Iridonian subspecies (Don't quote me on that, I don't care enough to look it up) whereas the more human Zabraks with different horns are the generally more common subtype.
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I am going to re post one of my older posts, maybe youll find it useful.


Confirmation that Zabraks have two hearts and a high pain tolerance. Also the Republic Zabraks(brownish skin colour) are the original species, whereas the ones that look like Darth Maul(red skin colour) are actually sub species that developed on isolated Zabrak colonies with a different culture and traditions.


This info is taken straight from the Star Wars Encyclopedia, which makes it canon I believe.

Edited by Eightus
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