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Proud To Be Playing, Thanks Bioware!


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Hey everybody,


First off, I love SWTOR. One of the cool things that Bioware does is mix things together that not many (if any) developers have done. SWTOR mixes a focus on story, choices that affect the story, making it an MMORPG and setting it in the Star Wars universe. Nobody has done that particular mix before. That's all great "in theory and on paper" but SWTOR still has faults which I won't go into detail about. I'm just stating my overall appreciation and love of the game in this post. Here is a link to a Youtube video I did on my channel that goes over my thoughts on the class stories. I occasionally do SWTOR videos on it. Also, here's a link to a forum post I made a while ago that talks about what I thought SWTOR needed at the time. Some of it is still valid.


- the video


http://www.youtube.com/user/Kingopersia - my channel


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=249788 - the post


So far, the graphics are some of the best in any MMORPG. I love how it continues the story from KOTOR 1 & 2. I love mainly the story centering on the important characters (Revan, Scourge and Satele) and not entirely the class stories; although the jedi knight story has a little to do with Revan and the Emperor. I've only played the jedi knight story fully and up to chapter 2 for the sith inquisitor so if the other stories have more to do with Revan and whatnot, please let me know. I regret not reading the comics and prequel stories set by Bioware on the website and stuff that lead up to SWTOR but after playing it, I decided to preorder the new book coming out, Annihilation. I'm not an alt person at all but SWTOR really pushes you to make them. After hearing you had to have chapter 2 done on both sides to get HK - 51, I finally made an alt and it was well worth it; not only for the story but the different gameplay each class offers. My main is a 50 Watchmen Sentinel with mostly Campaign gear at the time of this posting and my alt is a 35 Corruption Sorcerer. I'm a healer on my sorcerer and healing is so much fun in this game. I healed in WOW until 2008 and I don't remember healing being this much fun. I stopped playing WOW like a week before I heard about SWTOR so it was perfect timing. I think it sucks that SWTOR lost so many players over time. I can see why people left but I'm defenitely hopefully gonna be playing SWTOR for a while. Now with the F2P option, there's alot of bad things and good things. I'm only gonna say 1 good thing about it right now and that the stories are the best part of the game for alot of people. F2P is gonna give you complete freedom with the stories and that's a great idea on Bioware's part. One of Bioware's problems with SWTOR is that they were the first to do alot of what they did with SWTOR. When it comes to entertainment like video games, movies and technology in general, being the first entity to utilize a feature or mechanic, you're taking a great risk. The results of risks are usually either amazing or terrible (or sometimes a little in between). In SWTOR's case, it was a little below average for most people. With me, it's really up there. Once again, SWTOR is great in theory and on paper but not the best in execution given the current state it's in. You do have to give Bioware credit and admiration for what they did. Overall though, I'm glad I'm playing SWTOR. I can safely say it's the best MMORPG I've played, ever. WOW is a great game but I like SWTOR better (one reason being because I'm better at it). This is all my opinion and I'm sure alot of you will disagree with me so let me know what ya'll think.


Good night, and good luck.

Edited by Kingopersia
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