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Recruiting for PvP team


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I represent No Sleep Till Kessel We are an established guild that has been around since release.


We are putting together a pvp group if you're interested. Most of our members pve but I am trying to form a weekly PvP op to help with the pvp dailies/weekly and to eventually run a ranked PvP 8-man team. I am also looking for reps who actively pvp throughout the week.


If you're looking for an arranged PvP team send me a tell in game.


My in character names are Chokai or Tiax

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I know this is more of a recruitment thread, but I am trying to do the same thing in Outer Rim Templars. We are also mostly PVE and it's a struggle to find enough people consistently in my guild to run ranked WZs.


What I'm proposing is that we maybe form some sort of partnership. I run a weekly PVP night on Thursaday's for ORT. We do 50 WZs, Lowbie WZs, and have team battles in the Outlaws Den for our activities on these nights. We also like to raid Imp bases in Ilum and Belsavis to stir up trouble. We're also working on an idea for a Royal Rumble/Battle Royal type event. Seeing as we both have the same problem in our respective guilds I think we could both benefit from this.


My main toons are Fosmeros and Shukur. Whisper me in game if this sounds like something you and you guild might be interested in.

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Maybe we could try Hobi's idea this sunday. We make rosters of everyone will to join and then there's a captain who make picks. That way the teams will all be relatively equal. I personally REALLY love this idea, I know some won't join because they don't want to **** their rating but if the 2 guilds in that thread join + the others who've already been doing it, it would be MORE than enough. I can DPS imp side and heal or dps pub side.
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PvP Sunday was a resounding success. We managed a decisive 3-1 Ranked warzones against imps. We had 6 NSTK and 2 others. Thanks Shukur and the two other healers for participating in the carnage. Edited by Rhuobhe
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  • 3 weeks later...
Maybe we could try Hobi's idea this sunday. We make rosters of everyone will to join and then there's a captain who make picks. That way the teams will all be relatively equal. I personally REALLY love this idea, I know some won't join because they don't want to **** their rating but if the 2 guilds in that thread join + the others who've already been doing it, it would be MORE than enough. I can DPS imp side and heal or dps pub side.


I'm gonna be the fat kid that gets picked last :( But now that I have a mouse with two functional buttons, PvP should be a little less painful :p

Edited by Carter_Mathis
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I would gladly get in on this action. I've been looking for something to make PvP something other than getting facerolled by the other side in full War Hero.


To be honest, my gear is sub-par, as I've only recently started PvPing on a regular basis (and not as much as I could have been...discouragement is painful. ) I have roughly ~1000-1100 expertise. On the plus side, I'm good with strategy and I'm not afraid to follow directions.


I led a very successful premade group in another MMO that had a 98% win rate over a 6 month period (40 man premades on WoW), so I do have experience with strategy and prioritizing in a warzone.

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