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Please increase number of missions for corthosis substrate


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Here is the deal - thermoplast flux and corthosis substrate, as any other needed end tier crafting ingredient can be either bought for insane prices at vendors, or got via one and only moderate amount mission. When you trying to get mk6 augment parts it takes about 24 ingredients to get parts and craft augment mk6 slot.


That means you have to spend about 1,5 hours on getting the ingredients. All other end game crafting missions for mats come in variants of abundant and bountiful, so could you, devs, also increase the number of ingredients that can be get via crafting missions?

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I don't know about corthosis substrate, but Thermoplast Flux definitely have more than only moderate yield missions. The different Flux materials are some of the easiest materials to get, in my opinion.


What level are your professions at? Remember that when you've just opened up a new tier of missions, in the beginning all missions are moderate, after you've leveled it up a bit, you'll get better missions.

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I'm at 400 archeology only moderate corthosis mission for me


Thermoplast has a rich and bountiful to go along with its moderate.every now and then, I have actually gotten all 3 at once, but the corthosis is ONLY a moderate and for whatever reason not always available.


I agree with you that this should be fixed for all crafting solutions.

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Cortosis is moderate yield only, but honestly, I'm not sure it's a bad thing.


The moderate yield gets you 10 substrates, and a critical success nets you 20--wayyy more than the Upari crystals that you also need. Basically, you have to run 2 upari missions to get, on average, 6 and 4 crystals (there's usually an abundant and a moderate yield for it), whereas 1 cortosis mission nets you the same amounts (or quite a lot more on crits).


While I understand that not everyone has 3 minutes to log in and out, 5-6 times per day, that's basically all that's needed to have 14 slotted gear pieces in 3 days. You can really get this stuff in very little time; a week at *most*. Wanting to have a fully augmented set of gear immediately is...well, that's not earning anything.


Point is, I used to think the same thing as OP, until I started to actually try making more kits. It happened mostly because I didn't realize that I'd gathered quite a lot of Upari crystals, and no cortosis (makes sense--it's not gatherable at resource nodes). So, I kept running out, and every time I checked the crew skill missions, there were lots of Upari that I didn't need, and only the one cortosis.


My only recommendation to OP is...make more! Seriously. In time, you'll find that it's actually the Upari that sometimes gets too low (if you have a string of no-crits). I've crafted hundreds of these kits; it's not broken, I promise.

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I have both scavenging and archeology (on two characters). The primary difference between thermoplast flux and cortosis substrates is that the flux is a grade 5 material and the substrates are a grade 6.


Grade 6 archeology only has five missions: abundant power crystals, abundant color crystals, abundant artifact fragments, moderate power crystals and moderate cortosis substrates. Therefore every 25-30 minutes you can send out a companion for substrates.


On the other hand, while there is a moderate, abundant, and bountiful mission for thermoplast flux there are a lot more grade 5 scavenging missions so you could go several rounds without any flux mission at all. Further, with that bountiful mission available how many players really do the abundant let alone the moderate - unless they are desperate for materials? I know I wait for the bountiful.


Personally, I would rather have the consistency of the substrates mission.

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You can buy cortosis on the GTN. And you can buy it off the crew skill trade vendor for $400 each.


Yes, but you are paying a little less than double if you buy off the vendor. The moderate mission costs 2150 and you are all but guaranteed 10 (Yes yes there is a chance of failure, but you are just as likely to crit and get double so it balances out). that's 215 each. If you have the time you are FAR better off sending a companion on the mission.


As for the GTN, all you are doing is paying someone else to run the mission for you, so you obviously are going to pay more.


In all MMOs, time and in-game money are interchangeable commodities: You can save credits by taking more time and you can save time by spending more credits.

Edited by psandak
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The corthosis is a grade 6 mat, and thus only has a single moderate mission. On the plus side, IIRC there ARE only 5 total grade 6 missions, so this mission is always available, assuming it isn't already being run.


Thermoplast flux is a grade 5 mat, and thus has better missions (think both rich and bountiful), however there are far more than 5 grade 5 missions, so there is a distinct possibility none of the thermoplast missions will be available. (I don't *think* it has a grade 6 mission?)


Basically, if you're making augment kits, it's better/faster/cheaper to have your armstech/armormech make them than your synthweaver. (assuming, of course, you have multiple crewskills... which I do. :D)


It's been a while since I really paid attention, but from what I remember, archeology is the only gathering skill that actually has a grade 6 "white" mat. The others cap out at grade 5.

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Yes, but you are paying a little less than double if you buy off the vendor. The moderate mission costs 2150 and you are all but guaranteed 10 (Yes yes there is a chance of failure, but you are just as likely to crit and get double so it balances out). that's 215 each. If you have the time you are FAR better off sending a companion on the mission.


As for the GTN, all you are doing is paying someone else to run the mission for you, so you obviously are going to pay more.


In all MMOs, time and in-game money are interchangeable commodities: You can save credits by taking more time and you can save time by spending more credits.


True. However the OP wanted to make augment kits faster. This is a way for him to do so. If he is selling the kits on the GTN, he should be smart enough to price them so he makes a profit even if he bought them for $400. I don't know what he plans to do with the kits, I'm just helping him get cortosis substrates faster.


And I agree that since cortosis substrates are grade 6 they are fine with only being available in moderate yield missions. If a change is needed, then either raise the price the vendor sells them for, or make them grade 5 with moderate to bountiful yield missions.

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Yes, but you are paying a little less than double if you buy off the vendor. The moderate mission costs 2150 and you are all but guaranteed 10 (Yes yes there is a chance of failure, but you are just as likely to crit and get double so it balances out). that's 215 each. If you have the time you are FAR better off sending a companion on the mission.


As for the GTN, all you are doing is paying someone else to run the mission for you, so you obviously are going to pay more.


In all MMOs, time and in-game money are interchangeable commodities: You can save credits by taking more time and you can save time by spending more credits.


Well said and I agree that the most economic way to get these is through crew missions.


Having said that, I buy them from the vendor unless I'm making pile of items. Why? because money is so easily had in this game. As you stated, credits and time are interchageable commodities. With money so easily had I'd rather spend that than the time to search the GTN or run muliple crew skill missions.

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Agree with crafting missions being low for what you need, for the past few weeks Ive been working on two toons for armor n mod, so I need Grade 5 compounds, here's the annoying thing, I only get one Mod yeild for compunds, the rest are rich and abundent for flux, paste metal etc..

It is this way for all my crafters, at the grade 5 mission lvl, I run all crafting except Armormech and Artifice.

This is bothersome, even in the three days to make something Im still only getting one Mod yeild mission for compounds.

This is one toon at a time and just four of each mod for the main armor. Not trying to stock up to make like 8 armors and 8 mods at a shot just the 4.

Is this normal? Have any other crafters noticed this?

Its a bit unnerving to think the machine counts and keeps track of what Im trying to craft then automaticly limits the mats, but that is how it appears.

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If you transfer instances (say, from fleet to your ship) it resets the missions available in your crew skill menu.

I've used this trick plenty of times when it didn't give me any of the missions I needed.

You can't use it to get 5 Underworld Metals missions, for example, but you should be able to get the second one.

It works on scavenging missions too, as well as other skills.


Edit. Just experimented using the shuttles to hop back and forth between daily areas.

At first I only have one Underworld Metal mission available. So I took it and loaded up on Gift missions to make room.

Jump to Illum, Ah Hah! another UM mission! Drop one of the gift missions, take the UM, and repeat.

Bingo! a third UM mission!

Edited by JacksonMo
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