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So about those Holostatues on Corellia...


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When the Republic troops send you on a quest to clear the Mandalorians out of Axial Park and possibly reactive the holo statues of the Republics heroes, are we supposed to be able to see them or not? Was Bioware intentionally trying to get our hopes up of seeing the old Kotor crew again and not showing them or is it a bug?
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Hmm. I've only done this once and I'll see it again as my sentinel, but I remember that they changed for a minute before reverting back so the next person could do the quest. They may have shortened the time so that it wasn't such a bottleneck on crowded servers, but I'd suspect that it still changes if only briefly.
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Yeah we could see the statues active for a minute but we could not actually see the picture they were supposedly showing. It just said it was a picture of Juhani or Revan or Jolee but all we saw was a small projection of blue light before it reverts back to normal. Was there ever going to be a way for us to see our old crew or was it just their names that was supposed to be the Kotor easter egg? It's disappointing if we're supposed to get excited just by reading their names but not seeing them. Edited by OldVengeance
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