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Holiday events


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Holidays would be nice, but I'd like to see them set up as something unique to the Star Wars universe, perhaps not even tied into real world holiday times. Easter, Octoberfest, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas? I don't think they would translate well into a galaxy spanning game experience. I would like to see more events like the Rakghoul plague occur, in game content not related to any real world holiday or event.
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I also would like to see some world events, it shouldnt have to tie into real world holidays but it would be nice to have a new rakghoul outbreak for Halloween, maybe even a new limited space mission for character specific toons at different times. Christmas would be a good time to deliver goods to a needy planet with my smuggler or even some eels to Hutta with my BH. Even if the event lasts only for a week and the itmes granted from it are purely cosmetic or even simple credits or daily coms. I would welcome the diversion from the dailies at least on the Holidays. I personally wouldnt even care if they didn't put special loot items in for these events... just the diversion itself would be good enough. (BTW A very good suggestion)
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This is Star Wars Folks... Sure, have a party at a Cantina or whatever but this is not EARTH!


I play this game so I can be a part of the Star Wars Universe, it should be kept that way, otherwise you cheapen it.

This would be a backwards step. Ideally, you want to move it in the direction that feels more like star wars, not the opposite.


This game is not wow... I would hope in time that it would become even less so, be something greater. :o

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