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How long did it take Darth Nihilus to consume Katarr?


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Yeah, the implication was that it was very fast. Visas Marr made it sound like it just happened and she was suddenly on a dead world half dead herself.

It seemed that Darth Nihilus was confused about someone surviving so he came down to the planet and found her.

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It may have taken a while, however there were a group of jedi masters on the planet. If the drain took hours they could have had time to hop on their ships and go fight. The fact that none of the strongest jedi in the galaxy could even mount any kind of defense would imply that it happened fast.
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I always thought it took him at least a couple of minutes or so to consume it entirely. I think it is explained in one of the comics in greater detail but I havent read any of the SW comics so I cant say for sure. I need the information for a fan fiction I am working on.
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