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PvE Highest DPS - Post your DPS


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So, I have been screwing around with Balance a bit for the last day or so, just to see what it can do (with alot of help from My). Got on this morning, did a few dummy runs. Still getting used to the build, definitely have to pay attention alot more, but am starting to get a little used to it. Here is the one I am most proud of:




This makes me think that once I get up to your gear level My, I may be able to catch up to you DPS-wise :).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a parse I just made as an infiltration shadow.

My stuff is not yet BiS, I've a lack of accuracy and critical chance.

I just wanted to share my parse :)

Alone on my ship, exo stim, 4 buffs and nothing more.



Solid infiltration parse. Would like to see another, once you have min/max'd.


I got a new PB last night, balance/shadow.





Still searching for the elusive 2k mark......

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Solid infiltration parse. Would like to see another, once you have min/max'd.


I got a new PB last night, balance/shadow.





Still searching for the elusive 2k mark......


remember we can't use spinning strike on the dummies.I believe you got your 2k parse right there good sir!

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Infiltration 2/31/8

Rakata Resolve Stim, Rakata Attack Adrenal, Dread Guard Relic of Boundless Ages + Elemental Transcendence



Other fights are from a quick warzone and other parses of variations of the Infiltration Spec.


Armoury: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/ed6faf26-5166-46d1-8d0c-b2ab63e309ed


Spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#6010MZfhrRzfbRroZf0c.2

As much as I like Shadow Veil, I had to drop it and get Situational Awareness to gain more dps.


DPS when I stopped the fight when the mark was 302 seconds was 1810 dps. I don't know why it took 5 more seconds to get out of combat. Always happens when I'm parsing against a dummy.

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Infiltration 2/31/8

Rakata Resolve Stim, Rakata Attack Adrenal, Dread Guard Relic of Boundless Ages + Elemental Transcendence



Other fights are from a quick warzone and other parses of variations of the Infiltration Spec.


Armoury: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/ed6faf26-5166-46d1-8d0c-b2ab63e309ed


Spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#6010MZfhrRzfbRroZf0c.2

As much as I like Shadow Veil, I had to drop it and get Situational Awareness to gain more dps.


DPS when I stopped the fight when the mark was 302 seconds was 1810 dps. I don't know why it took 5 more seconds to get out of combat. Always happens when I'm parsing against a dummy.


Nice infiltration parse my friend. Love it, with still more min/max to do, we got a solid 1800+ dps parse. I had a look at the trimming of the fight and came up with 1814 for you. 2 seconds under 5 mins, but still damn solid.



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Nice infiltration parse my friend. Love it, with still more min/max to do, we got a solid 1800+ dps parse. I had a look at the trimming of the fight and came up with 1814 for you. 2 seconds under 5 mins, but still damn solid.




Thank you, I had no idea I could move around the timer. 1814 dps was a nice mark, but I wasn't even blinking to maintain it. The Force Regen kills the spec. I know that Blackout and vanishing can help but an infiltration shadow needs to use saber strike a lot to keep the force pool working.


Now I need to look for 3 Denova Stalker Armorings + 3 Aptitude Mods 27 and I believe I'll be done with my min/max.

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Dear Shadow Masters,


I am woefully inadequate. Please teach me. I beg you. I have been running shadow, both balance and infiltration since the beginning. Clearly I am doing something wrong as the best I'm able to parse is spike on balance of 1700 ... then it just goes down.


Would one of you getting 1800+ please post your gear, stats and provide some suggestions. Like others, I have that MF, douche of a sent .... really good player in my guild who's a dps elitist and I'm being pushed out of ops because I can't keep up. I am seriously begging for help (Chuckles, WoodchuckAUS).


I'm in full campaign gear with BM Boundless Ages relics. I have the 63 hilt and armoring slot in the foci. Buffed, but unstimmed here are my stats:


Willpower 2008

7/3/31 balance



Damage (pri) 1114-1316

Bonus Damage: 709.9

Crit Chance 32.43

Crit Multiplier 75.82



Bonus damage 1004.1

Bonus healing: 430.5

Accuracy: 109.89

Crit chance: 31.25

Crit Multiplier: 75.82

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Willpower 2008

7/3/31 balance



Damage (pri) 1114-1316

Bonus Damage: 709.9

Crit Chance 32.43

Crit Multiplier 75.82



Bonus damage 1004.1

Bonus healing: 430.5

Accuracy: 109.89

Crit chance: 31.25

Crit Multiplier: 75.82


Happy to help. You had me at "douche sent", after that i was all ears....lol


If you have read over the last few pages, we were talking about rotation and a few pages back further i think i was helping troubleshoot a fellow balance dps issues too. Most of the info will be found in there.


Just looking at your stats, my very first suggestion would be to drop all the extra power you have been stacking and replace it with crit. My highest parse so far, was with an even spread of my stat distribution. Acc/Crit/Surge should all end up around the 300 range. Given that you aren't full DG yet, i would guess that you will end up a little short of the 300 range. For balance, the lower my crit goes, the lower my dps drops down. In fact the same seems to be true for infiltration, the highest parses i've seen seem to have a high crit % too, but i've never tested this. Once your crit rating is back up there, i'd suggest gaining crit from any other source possible without affecting your crit DR's. From the figures you've shown, depending on your current stat distribution, you may have power augments in switch them out for willpower. Another gain to crit without affecting your DR's. Lastly, if you have the time and could be bothered, go get all the strength and willpower datacrons (endurance too if you could be bothered, i couldn't....). That will also help your crit as well, even if by a small margin (trust me, it all helps), but this is not essential. Also, affection from you companions will help as well.


Buffed and stimmed, i sit around 40%/39% crit iirc. Surge and Accuracy i believe is around the same, but i may have a little extra. That may be simply from the extra points i got from upgrading to DG gear. For pve content i have a DG auto proc relic (can't remember the name right now, though that is really important) and an EWH power relic. With this set up, i am still waiting to be blasted out of the water by a sent during a boss fight. Last week, i pug'd a TFB HM op run (i'm using my healer in our main group atm), paired up beside a full DG sent we both hopped in mox, after the first few boss fights i get whispers asking how am i able beat him, he is a sent after all. Then as my shadow continued to out dps him he became quiet and withdrawn... no more whispers. Poor sent.....lol) Although, i like the look of some of the parses from some of the sents on the Harbinger dps list atm, would love to run with those guys and compare.


That should sort out your gear issues.


There are also some good tips in the previous pages regards to rotation/priority list. Some people group FiB and the 2 dots together and reapply when FiB is up. You can do this if it helps you keep track of what you are doing, but it is a dps decrease. It could be useful while getting comfortable with learning the balance rotation during combat but when more experienced to maximize dps, FiB operates on its own cool down and should be used independently of SF & FB. I also have MC fairly high on the priority list, in front of reapplying my dots in fact, make sure you hit that before anything and backstab can wait a few seconds until after MC/FB/SF then hit your backstab. Only time you wouldn't do this would be if you were going to lose the proc for it. The only time i ever use my project is if i'm being kited by the boss or unable to be standing beside him (aoe damage etc) and this is my last option. I'd probably prefer to take this time to reapply dots use my FiB... but if you have absolutely nothing else then throw it on him, otherwise take that right out for maximum dps.


These are just a few of the most obvious things that could be hurting you. If you are still having trouble, send me a message, i'd be happy to go into more detail with you.


Shadows FTW!!

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Thanks guys so much for helping me. I thought I'd help you help me some more. I can't tell you how good it feels to have some real help. I'm on the Shadowlands server if anyone's there to watch me and maybe see what I'm doing wrong. I did change out a few pieces of gear as was suggested. So, now my crit is better (still not at 300) and surge is over 300.


Here's my exact gear (the stats are off just a smidge) :cool:




And here is my latest and one of my better parses ... which is not saying much I'm afraid. :(



Edited by FynnMacCool
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Here's my exact gear (the stats are off just a smidge) :cool:




And here is my latest and one of my better parses ... which is not saying much I'm afraid. :(




Kk, can't see you gear, link not working for me.... sorry.


Had a quick look at your logs, i'll point out the first few things that stand out.


1. APM - your actions per minute (i only learnt this when i joined in on this thread a few months ago...) are extremely low. So, you are either on the fleet and experiencing REALLY bad lag or you are standing around for precious seconds not pushing your next attack. If its the former, then get a dummy on your ship, this will help and give you more accurate readings to work with. If its the later, then i guess more practise will be key here.


2. It looks like you have linked your FiB + SV + FB to the same cooldown. As i mentioned ealier, this will lower your dps, but if you are still learning the class then this will be ok for practise. But remember when you get better at watching your dots, FiB will work off its own cooldown and reapplied every 15 secs. Dots will be reapplied every 18 secs. Over the course of this parse thats around 10 extra FiB usages, which is huge.


3. SF + FB are being applied way to late in this parse. This may be due to server lag if that was your answer to No.1. If not, then you need to reapply your dots the moment they drop off. The very next global cooldown after they drop off is used to reapply UNLESS something higher on the priority list is up.


4. Mind crush was used about 1/2 as often as it should have been. This one is a biggy. Mind crush is great and it is free. You can not miss any procs. If you get it, you need to use it ASAP. The only thing higher then this on my priorty list is FiB.


5. You spammed saber strike WAY too much. Saber strike is used to regen force only. A quick look at this and i think you hit saber strike about twice as often as you should have.


Add these changes to your gear and relic changes and i'm pretty sure that would add up to around the 200 dps you are lacking with the current gear you have.


Hope this helps.

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So, latest parse ... 30 dps better. This is on my ship. My frame rate was over 100 fps the entire fight. Server lag was (and almost alway is <16ms). I did try to pay very close attention to when I could activate either force potency, battle readiness or my relic. I'm working on trying to stagger them a little better so I can use one of them most of the time.


parse: http://www.torparse.com/a/112562

this morning's parse: http://www.torparse.com/a/113201 ... interstingly, my APM is the same as the one above, but I did a waaaaaaaay better job of watching the dots and procs. 1713 about 4 sec before the end of the fight!!!! :D

this evening's parse: http://www.torparse.com/a/113831 woooooooohooooooooo!!!! unstimmed. I didn't even realize it until after I was done!!!!!!!!!! 1721!!!! Damn I love shadow so much!!!! :D


gear link again: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/f178952a-2ef9-4169-9b21-ece548b96da8



1. APM. I'm not sure if you're referring to me the player or the char's APM. Me the player is constantly doing something. I'm very closely watching my procs. I don't always get MC when it comes up, but I tried to really focus on that this parse. Doing that allowed me to not have to spam SS as much, because I did a better job of watching my force power. If I'm not mistaken the global cooldown on any skill action is 1.5 sec. I have my preferences set to allow a .5 sec ability action queue. One thing I do notice a lot is I'll hit the skill, but my character will either not perform the skill or it's delayed. This is especially noticable on shadow strike. It's like I draw back for the stab, then draw back again and perform the stab. (on the technical side, I have verizon fios, 580gtx liquid and an intel I7 6core and 12gb ram). I do not click skills with the mouse, I push them on the keyboard. I do not use macros.


2. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by linked to the same cooldown, do you mean because I hit FiB, then SF, then FB (because they're set up as 3,4,5 on my keyboard)? Should my goal not be to have all three dots at the same time? How do I get them to work off "their own cooldown." I'm getting the sense ... I'm doing it wrong :)


3. I did pay more attention to watching when my dots dropped and I tried very hard to make sure I put them right back up. By "way late" I'm assuming I was using 2-3 skills, then re-applying my DOT.


4. Got it proc = immediate use ... no questions.


5. I was having some force power issues on that parse ... either button mashing or lag or frustration ... prolly all 3.


Thanks again. I'm ready for more learning masters. :D

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So, latest parse ... 30 dps better ...... I'm working on trying to stagger them a little better so I can use one of them most of the time.


For this purpose (dummy testing) don't worry about staggering you cooldowns. Just burn them all at once and pop them again when they finish cooldown. Still need to use common sense though, don't pop an adrenal if you have no force and are about to spam a few saber strikes.... We are aiming for MAX dps, burn them as often as you can. Boss phases, obviously you'll need to pay more attention to burn phases and stagger accordingly.


1. APM. I'm not sure if you're referring to me the player or the char's APM. Me the player is constantly doing something. I'm very closely watching my procs. One thing I do notice a lot is I'll hit the skill, but my character will either not perform the skill or it's delayed. This is especially noticable on shadow strike. It's like I draw back for the stab, then draw back again and perform the stab.


APM is shown on Torparse when you upload log. For whatever reason yours seems to be low, 37 or less. Figuring out why that is and fixing it will make a sizable difference. Top parses will have 40+ a little change. Occasionally, my shadow strike plays up too, not all that often though. I think it may be something else. Normally its lag on the fleet and the ship dummy fixes up most of it... I can't help you with this one, but keep an eye on it.


2. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by linked to the same cooldown, do you mean because I hit FiB, then SF, then FB (because they're set up as 3,4,5 on my keyboard)? Should my goal not be to have all three dots at the same time? How do I get them to work off "their own cooldown." I'm getting the sense ... I'm doing it wrong :)


It looks like you are constantly hitting FiB - SF - FB one after the other everytime. In your first log they were all averging just under once every 20secs. FiB has a 15 sec cooldown, the dots have an 18 sec cooldown. So you should be hitting FiB more often than reapplying your dots. The first log, iirc, you could have hit FiB 10 more times over the course of the parse.... thats a lot of lost dps.


3. I did pay more attention to watching when my dots dropped and I tried very hard to make sure I put them right back up. By "way late" I'm assuming I was using 2-3 skills, then re-applying my DOT.


kk, this is important too. Reapplying to early or too late consistently adds up to lost dps.


4. Got it proc = immediate use ... no questions.


Apart from hitting like a truck, this is also important for maintaining your force.


5. I was having some force power issues on that parse ... either button mashing or lag or frustration ... prolly all 3.


You can use saber strike, just not as often as you were in your original post. This is also just practise and will get better over time.


Gear looks pretty solid, almost there. 2 changes i would suggest. Swap a power crystal out for crit crystal, test out swapping them both out. This will get your crit to where i've had most success. Normally your pets will have some crystals you can steal, to try out without costing you black hole comms or cash. Last but not least, swap out 1 surge and replace it with accuracy. Crit/Surge/Acc ratings should all be around the 300 mark. From there if you want to tweak and you find you get better results, then go right ahead. Just make sure you let me know. My best results came from 290/300/290 or something like that, don't have exact numbers in front of me atm. This is in full DG, so you will be under that and will get closer as you upgrade your pieces. The important thing is to keep the balance between the 3. Looking at your gear and the DG pieces you have left to get, i'm guessing a distribution of around 270 for these 3 stats should be close.


Its harder to get right than infiltration, but worth it once mastered. Iirc, i think i was holding 1800-1850 with similar gear. So you aren't far off. APM will be a good chunk of that.


Good luck.

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So, latest parse ... 30 dps better.


For what it is worth, i had a quick look over your log. Looks like you had an unlucky run at the end of the fight. Also, if you start off with Force potency + Battle Readiness + DG Relic + Adrenal (if you have one..), this will give you a good start to your dummy run.


I trimmed the last 2 mins off your fight and you were holding 1745 for the first 5 mins. A stronger start and it may have been even higher.




Keep working on it and let me know how you end up.

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I did some parses today.

Since last time I'm closer to BiS, still one armor and one enhancement 26.

My stats are better but I'm not sure yet about my critical chance and perhaps my accuracy too.

Due to the critical stat importance in infiltration, my gap between two parses can be around 200DPS :eek:

Had to stop my tests because of lag issue with the server.



4 class buffs

exotech resolve stim

no adrenal

no armor debuff

Alone in my ship


My parse


EDIT: Here my stuff

I have a little more Force power than indicated, my offhand has 673 and not 649.

And I can't say it's the way to do it, I just know that too much crit kill the crit ^^

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Awsome result mate!

Can You please link Your Ask Mr Robot link? I'm still stuck at almost 1760 on dummy and can't break it through :/

I also have shortage of ideas how to modify gear more.


Thx. So basically speaking, Infiltration is backed up on crit and that is why our dps vary from 1600-1800?

You can have 1650 parse, and next time it can be 1850?

Edited by Wolandus
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I did some parses today.

Since last time I'm closer to BiS, still one armor and one enhancement 26.

My stats are better but I'm not sure yet about my critical chance and perhaps my accuracy too.

Due to the critical stat importance in infiltration, my gap between two parses can be around 200DPS :eek:


Well sir, this is nothing short of amazing..... pretty sure this is the highest infiltration parse i have seen. I really hope this is not doctored in any way, because i love it. I did not think that infil would get that high. Low 18's was where i thought it would stay.


Nicely done sir! *tips hat*


As to the dps difference in parses. Can you post another parse of the 200 dps gap you speak of? I do not believe that a high crit % will gimp you in such a way. If anything, i have found it to be the other way around. Obviously, in some parses you get lucky with a few crits and others you don't, but i have never seen a fluctuation of 200dps from my parses. Maybe 50-80 but never 200 and i have always stacked crit to the same amount you have. Looking at your gear stats, i'd guess it would more than likely be accuracy.... but i'm always keen to learn something new and improve.


I'd like to look through the logs and see where the difference is, if you get time to post them. Thanks.

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Thanks for comment !


(No, I don't have time to doctor parses ^^)


About my ~1650dps parse, I have too much torparse logs to retrieve this exact parse and affirm that I had already the same exact stuff, but here is a more recent parse, the gap is already "big".

My worst parse of these last 2-3 days was, yes, around 200dps less but it's an exception and my best parse is too an exception.

What I noticed is that the crit of the four main actions (Clairvoyant Strike, Project, Shadow Strike, Force Breach) is the key for the final dps. If one of these has only an average crit, it will be an average dps. Yeah it's seems obvious since these 4 actions make nearly all my dps, but that's my only explanation :p

The thing is when you begin a combat with a poor crit, it will not change, the only job I have to do is to do my rotation the best I can. But it will never significantly change my dps, I think the max crit for a combat is decided only one time.

If I'm all wrong, well it would say that I do different things during parses, but I'm not able to notice them :p

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You are right that those 4 actions result in low/hight dps. Recently I run through few of my parses and the highest one (around 1740) had all 4 abilities crit near 45%. Next one was 1660 and one of those actions - Force Breach - critted for about 20% (my crit rating was 35% in both cases). Edited by Wolandus
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Recently I run through few of my parses and the highest one (around 1740) had all 4 abilities crit near 45%. Next one was 1660 and one of those actions - Force Breach - critted for about 20% (my crit rating was 35% in both cases).


20% crit for Force Breach:eek: is really really low, I don't remember getting so low. For this I would say 35% crit stat is not enough, what was the dps for Force Breach only ? Perhaps with power stacking it's not a problem.


Wanted to do 5 parses in a row but no more Force might buff and I'm tired to ask for buffs :p

Here my 4 parses in a row.

And here the 2nd parse with adjusted timing.

So if I look between this best parse (1803) and my best parse ever (~1861), I see that my apm is quite the same and I see that I have a little more global miss on the 1803 one. But for me the big difference is in crit percentage of the 4 main actions.

Tell me if you see anything else ^^

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Here is my parse in inf:


Parse - 1637 DPS


This is 2-31-8 spec, all class buffs, on ship etc (tho I do use 2 adrenals during the fight).


The biggest difference I noticed between mine (1637) and the inf higher up that got 1850 is the crit chance on project! My crit on project was 38% whereas his was 59%....thats a massive difference and certainly accounts for quite a bit of our differences. What is weird is that all our other crit percentages are roughly the same, our APM, miss chance, number of skills used etc are all roughly the same.


60% crit on project is definitely extremely good! In my gear setup I think im at 36% crit chance buffed so 38% on project seems about right (1 extra crit every FP pushes it up a bit).

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Just ran HM TFB last night on my infiltration (2-31-8) shadow. Actual raid dps's


Writhing Horror: 1513

I was #3 did 22.8% of the dmg....... #1 was our gunslinger at 24%, then our commando at 22.9%, and below me was a balance sage at 19%. The tanks filled up the rest.


Dread Guards: Total fight 1312

Interestingly enough on Heirad I was holding 1940 or so because I sit right behind him and run my rotation. It drops greatly in phase 2 and 3 trying to follow Ciphas and Kelsara around, and Doom dropped it further.


Operator IX: 1065

Commando #1 at 24.3%, then me at 22.9%, then Gunslinger at 22.3%, then Sage at 19.8%, then tanks. Lots of running around in this fight but I definitely burst the cores down fastest in the group hitting Force Potency+Adrenal --> 6K breach, 2x CS, 6K project, and then several Shadow Strikes with blackout up. (I usually blow through all my force on the cores spamming SS because it usually explodes before I run out completely and there is no greater burst than a 6K SS followed by two 4-5K ones.) Making my core killing roto 6K Breach, 3K CS, 3K CS, 6K Proj + 2K upheaval, 6K ss, 4K ss, 4K ss, for a grand total of 34K put out very fast.


We stopped there and will finish on Sunday. We have no sentinel so no Inspiration, just sunder armor from the guardian tank and grav rounds from the commando.


One thing I like about infiltration: I am always #1 dps on the trash!!!!!!!!!

(I know who cares, but I regularly on trash fights pull 33% or so of the damage out of 4 dps and 2 tanks.)

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