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PvE Highest DPS - Post your DPS


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Would you mind posting your total build? I was thinking of going into that build, but a shadow friend of mine had said he tried it and was parsing lower than with the rock. Are there any kind of changes to the rotation with that?


Beskosei-The Harbinger


Here is my build. I will get around to setting the gear up when I have a moment for others to see.




I basically don't use Clairvoyant Strike or Project under 50 force, that way I can use Force breach on Cooldown and Shadow Strike when I need to. I wait to use Shadow strike when the Find Weakness buff is almost finished. I feel this helps to keep Force Synergy up for Shadow Strike. Strike also helps build Exit Strategy a bit faster ( that is an eyeballing statement, I really don't have proof).


If anyone feels they have any tips or thinks I can make some changes to improve my efficiency please do share. We are all here to see if we can do better :D


By the way good job Chuckles. It is nice to see a 1900 parse from a Shadow.

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Just hit a personal best on the dummy, sustained over 1800 dps for a 7 min fight. Was holding around 1820-40 for most the fight, then my stim wore off in the last 30 secs.....


2 x 63 armorings (waist & bracers) and 2 x dreadguard relics, the rest lvl 61. Full buffs, stims and no adrenals (REALLY have to start working on biochem....)



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i have 1335 primary damage, 76 surge and 31 mcrit 30 fcrit fully buffed. i consistently get between 1550-1650 on the dummies with a stim, no adrenals. one thing you have to remember is that you cant even use spinning strike on the dummies. so take whatever number you get and add 50. we do really good dps in pve. you just need to spec and gear it correctly.
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Having looked through all these amazing parses I have come to one main conclusion: crit is extremely important!


Early theory crafting seemed to show that crit was not particularly important for infiltration shadows because we get so much crit from set bonus, force potency and force synergy. However, I think this was simply because rakata gear had much less stats than campaign/dread guard and thus power gave more bang for your buck.


Now, it seems that the ease of customising gear combined with unchanged diminishing returns means that we can hit high crit numbers (40% buffed) without really affecting our top end damage too much. I've been stacking power pretty much exclusively for a long time and as a consequence I have 1326 top end damage, 78.5% crit multiplier but only 30% crit chance buffed. I can't seem to parse over 1600 as infiltration and the main difference is crit chance. Wth lower crit chance, I'm getting less procs of force synergy and thus less melee crits too.


Will swop some mods etc and try again soon :-)

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Having looked through all these amazing parses I have come to one main conclusion: crit is extremely important!


Will swop some mods etc and try again soon :-)


I used to believe the exact same thing, power > crit.... mainly because of all the posts regarding this topic. Then i started on the endless quest of higher dps. After countless hours and dummy testing and re-testing (never looked into this Sim-c thing i keep hearing about, might have saved me time....) and tonnes of money swapping mods in and out.


After all this testing, i have found that the percentages you see are irrelevant. Its all about the rating and DR's from crit. Once you hit these marks, then you start stacking power. So anyone who says 30%/75%, is not maximising there dps in my opinion and has been backed up in dummy testing. This is all based on balance but I'm going to try a few runs on Infil and see how it affects that build. I'm going to assume, many people may disagree, that this will show the same. The DR's don't change from build to build. So why would your stacking be any different....


By stacking power > crit, you end up with inconsistent spikes in your damage. If you get lucky on a few good crits, you may very well end up with a few nice figures and some good burst damage. If you stack crit until dr's > then power, you end up with smaller hits but a lot more crits, more consitently over any amount of time. Resulting in higher more consistent dps. Given most boss fights are longer then 2mins, with exception to boss mechanics that allow multiple burst phases. Even in this situation, if you don't get a few good crits in these phases, you will still end up with inconsistent burst dps.


I'm not trying to tell people how to play their game, each to their own. This is all constructive critisism and ideas, aimed to help people who are interested in getting the most out of there shadow. But i do recommend trying, properly, what i am talking about and see what results you get. For all the people out there that say the dummy does not count, it most certainly does when comparing to the same classes with similar builds. Its a training tool, if you can maximise in here, then practise and perfect out there.... you will see the benefits of higher dps.


So far, my best results are with a crit % of around 38% and thats because i have no more crit mods atm. If someone can do higher dps with the same amount of gear, i'd like to hear from you because that would mean i have more to change/fix.

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This was my exact build and gear yesterday:



After I saw the post about getting rid of the rock, i respecced to this to try out on EC HM:



Unfortunately, SWMonitor and Mox started getting glitchy after I respecced, so I didnt get a good reading.

If i kept that build, I would probably want to take one out of Kinetic Field and put it into Expertise, to make it 8-31-3.


Let me know what you think.


Beskosei-The Harbinger

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@ Besk


Looks like a solid build man, getting your gear up there.


I haven't had a chance to test with my crit rating that high, so i can't comment on that. In between 300-400 crit, you start seeing harsher effects of DR. I'm sitting at 275 atm. So its a balancing act from there on out. Another suggestion to try and see if you like it, would be to take an Acc enhencement out and swap for power/surge maybe. The sweet spot on my guy is around 98% accuracy, any less and i start missing DS and BS, anymore and i am missing out on extra power. Given that infil is more melee then force (opposite of balance), you may find that you need the 100%. Not sure.


IMO, i think it looks great. Maybe just test out those suggestions to see if they help or hurt.


Come do some dummy runs this afternoon and we can test these ideas out, if you have time. I'll respec to infil as well and compare.... though your gear is A LOT better then mine!?

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This was my exact build and gear yesterday:



After I saw the post about getting rid of the rock, i respecced to this to try out on EC HM:



Unfortunately, SWMonitor and Mox started getting glitchy after I respecced, so I didnt get a good reading.

If i kept that build, I would probably want to take one out of Kinetic Field and put it into Expertise, to make it 8-31-3.


Let me know what you think.


Beskosei-The Harbinger


Unfortunately you can't remove that extra point out of Kinetic Field or you will lose Clairvoyant strike. The only place you can remove a point would be Force Synergy which is where I am torn. Have an extra 3% melee crit on a proc or have an extra 3% damage on Shadow Technique damage.

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I have been following this thread with interest and I have a question for you guys: How do you get your APM to 39 or higher?


Here is one of my parse (http://www.torparse.com/a/61544) and I was comparing it to some parses by wooduckAUS (say this one: http://www.torparse.com/a/60112/1). It looks like we have pretty similar gear, although wooduckAUS has slightly more crit than I do. When I look at damage broken down by action, we have very similar damage (I looked at min and max damage, because the average damage is affected by the crit percentage). If you look at the share of each attack, again we are very similar, although WooduckAUS uses FiB more often than I do But that difference is not large enough to account for the difference in dps. The biggest difference I see is that my APM is at 34 and his is over 39. How do I increase my APM to match?


Look at the first 10-15 seconds on each parse. We are doing roughly the same thing, but there are many more actions in his parse. Can you guys help me?

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I'll be more than happy to look at this in further detail tomorrow.


What is see initially is your crit significantly lower then mine and your accuracy is higher then mine. That may account for some of the difference. Without know exactly what gear you have, its hard to pin point....


Also, if you have been following this thread, you would have noticed the increase over the last week or so on my parses. I haven't improved my gear, just my relics (thanks to chukles). The dreadguard combo i have now, works A LOT better then the warhero i had.


If you add those 3 suggestions together, i think that would make up a good chunk of the difference, prob not all.


I'll look into it further for you when i get time. If you supplied more details on your build, that would help too.


p.s. don't mean to be a noob but what does "APM" stand for....? that may help me understand the difference too...



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Thanks WooduckAUS. Here is some more detail:


My gear is all Campaign/Black Hole (augmented) expect:

-Bracers and belt (63 mod and armoring) and lightsaber (also 63)

-War Hero Relic of Boundless Ages

-Drear Guard Relic of Boundless Ages


As for my stats, I have

Willpower: 2014 (2142 with stim)

Power: 844

Accuracy: 285

Crit: 276

Surge: 288

I could increase crit and surge a bit, and decrease power and accuracy, but the difference would be small.


APM stands for action per minute. You can see under the "damage dealt" tab, top left. I am not exactly sure how it is calculated. My guess is that it corresponds to the number of abilities you click in a minute. Since the GCD is 1.5 sec, you could, in principle, get 40 actions in 60 seconds. This is what you and others get close to (although I though I saw one parse in this thread with an APM slightly above 40, which would be odd). If my guess is correct, it is hard to understand why I stand around 34. Even if there was a mechanical problem, this suggests almost 9 seconds of idle time for every 60 seconds of parse. That seems huge and I can't explain it by "me not clicking fast enough".


Assuming we have the same average dps per action, which looks not too far off, this makes a difference of 200 dps. So I would be (and should be, I think) right where you are. If you or others can help me get my APM up to your levels, it would make a big difference.

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Just quickly, what build do you have....? Reason i ask, you have the same crit rating, more willpower, but hitting less crit on the dummy.... something doesn't sound right. Did you take the points in Tech Mastery for the 3% crit bonus?


Also, try droping acc. I'm at 228 and over a 7 min parse, i'll miss 1 BS and 1 DS. Thats worth swapping out 1 enhancement for more power/surge. If i take another Acc out, i start to miss too much. Once again, won't make a HUGE diff by itself but all these little things do add up. Swap an acc enhancement out for a power/surge or crit/surge.


Are you using dummy on fleet? Possible lag spikes may be holding up your actions. I bought the dummy for my ship. A little better but not always perfect.


We are dot based. So if we assume lag is not the issue, then you may be missing something in your rotation. Our average damage per attacks are fairly similar... so if we do the same damage, hitting on the same dummy, haven't missed anything significant in your build. Then it comes down to rotation and execution. Rotation is not rocket science, but the execution is all about timing.


I have gone purely dps build for this thread. I have picked everything, big or small, to help my dps. I do mainly pve at the moment, when i go back to some pvp, i'll change a few points here and there to make me.... less squishy, more utility etc.




Also, your second dreadguard relic will help too. Campaign auto hit relics were useless. Dreadguard relics are worth the investment. Just a quick note for those who noticed.... yes i bought the wrong one. Will change when i get another 300 daily comms.... oops, lol.


1. Dummy on ship

2. Check your build / utilize every dps talent we have

3. Try tweaking and tuning acc/power/crit/surge a little more. You'd be surprised the diff it makes.

4. 2nd Dreadguard relic

5. Execution of rotation.


Hope this helps. Let me know how you go.

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Thanks for looking at this. I agree that something does not seem right. I have essentially the same build you do. The only meaningful difference is that I put 2 points in Expertise, rather than Shadowy veil (we have very good healers).


I did use the fleet dummy for these parses. The problem with the dummy on my ship is that my FiB keeps hitting the Warzone training dummy, so the parses are not clean. But I will try again on my ship to see if it makes a difference with the APM.


I can't be sure if our rotation are perfectly similar, but as you say, it is not rocket science and the share of our damage by type is very similar (except that you are better at hitting FiB on cooldown, I need to preactice that). If it is all execution, it is a bit embarassing for me. I am very careful not to clip my dots and to renew them as soon as they expire, I make sure I click any new ability before the previous one is expired. But hey, I guess I have something to aspire to.


Thanks for the suggestions.

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So, I did a parse on my ship and things were a bit better. So maybe lag was a factor. My APM increased to almost 38 and my dps almost reached 1800. Maybe part of the problem is execution also, so that is something I can work on to get me over 1800.


Here is the full parse, where I am hitting the Warzone training dummy with FiB (http://www.torparse.com/a/63176), so my dps is inflated a bit :)


Here is the parse where I removed the hits on the Warzone training dummy (http://www.torparse.com/a/63174).


I have not yet changed my gear, but the next step will be to decrease accuracy a bit.


Thanks again for the advice and let me know if you have any other suggestions.

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Not actually my parse but a guy from Tomb of freedon nadd posted this on their dps leaderboard thread.




Imma call bullsh&*t on this one too..... external buffs of some sort.


If not, please come back and tell us/show us how it is done? I and a lot of other people would love to know how .....

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Not actually my parse but a guy from Tomb of freedon nadd posted this on their dps leaderboard thread.




So lets take a look at the parse here, this guy heals himself with FIB for 524 per hit. Shadows get a 2% self heal in full balance spec.

So if one does a reverse calculation, if we let his HP be x, his FIB will initially heal for 0.02*x.


On another thread, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=535526 , we can assume that companions provide an extra 2% heal buff. Which works out to be: 1.02*0.02*x=524. x will then be equals to 25686.27451 HP.


So I was wondering how would a dps Shadow have over 25k HP, have FIB hit for 4.3k avg and parse over 2k? This parser also shows this guy has uncanny accuracy with a 0.84%. So... Hax maybe?


(Apologize for the wall of text/math) :p

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So, I did a parse on my ship and things were a bit better. So maybe lag was a factor. My APM increased to almost 38 and my dps almost reached 1800. Maybe part of the problem is execution also, so that is something I can work on to get me over 1800.


Here is the full parse, where I am hitting the Warzone training dummy with FiB (http://www.torparse.com/a/63176), so my dps is inflated a bit :)


Here is the parse where I removed the hits on the Warzone training dummy (http://www.torparse.com/a/63174).


I have not yet changed my gear, but the next step will be to decrease accuracy a bit.


Thanks again for the advice and let me know if you have any other suggestions.


Cool man, thats a big improvement. Lag on the fleet is bad..... Also, your crit % is a lot higher too.... when you parsed the earlier parse, could you have forgotten the smuggler buff by chance? I don't have the warzone dummy on my ship, so don't have that problem.


Either way, from looking at your gear, you could probably squeeze a little more out too. The little changes i already spoke about would prob work and keep watching those dots.


My priority list goes.... which is fairly straight forward.










- Force in balance AS SOON AS IT'S UP, everytime.

- As the last dot drops, the very next GCD is putting your dots straight back up.

- You should never be hitting the dummy with your saber unless FB is on it.

- i use my cloak (extra force regen from skill points), relic, force potency and battle readiness as soon as they are up.

- i normally sit with my tank on empty and anticipate what is coming up and make sure i have the force to do it. Not sure if this is right or wrong, just what i do.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I thought i would wipe the cobwebs off this thread as i have just hit a new PB on my balance shadow.


Still have more tweaking to go and yes i did cut this run off at a spiky part, but am happy that i can finally hold over 1900 on an ops dummy as it has been my goal for some time now. Still trying to find the sweet spot between crit vs. power......


Just to prove to the non believers that shadow dps is up there with the best. This was done on my own with no armor debuffs or inspiration. I have hit on the dummy with a full raid group with these and was able to hold above 2000 fairly easily.




Happy hunting guys.

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First parse of the day:




On Infiltration of course, not quite that 1900 though :/. Good job My, kinda jealous, lol. Anyways, I may do a couple more dummy fights, maybe not...If i parse significantly higher, you will hear from me lol.


Almost forgot, actual DPS in that parse is 1725, Torparse is always weird with me, always puts in extra seconds at the end, but shows up normal in ACT.

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First parse of the day:




On Infiltration of course, not quite that 1900 though :/. Good job My, kinda jealous, lol. Anyways, I may do a couple more dummy fights, maybe not...If i parse significantly higher, you will hear from me lol.


Almost forgot, actual DPS in that parse is 1725, Torparse is always weird with me, always puts in extra seconds at the end, but shows up normal in ACT.


Curious, are you using and armor debuffs or inspiration as well as any adrenals?

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