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Official "Give Us Purple Color Crystals" Discussion


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I prefer purple, even without stats. I don't really care how and with what people pose on the fleet...


Same here, been wanting purple seine they announced the game, if a star wars game was out and you had the option to use a purple light saber that's the color i used, even modded KoToR1 to have purple light sabers.


hell in fallout 3 my guy ran around with a purple light saber :p



anyways as for the other colors i can see the magneta, aqua or what ever else being hard to get cause you don't see almost every other NPC in the game running around with those colors so they seem rare.

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I believe that:


1. Color crystals shouldn't have stats at all.

2. All moddable weapons, should have an additional slot for color.

3. Unless it's red, blue, or green, there shouldn't be a restriction, IF ANY.


restrictions suck. Especially when it comes to something cosmetic.






Please at least consider giving us the magenta (and other demanded colors) crystal receipes with standard stats (+31) and make those available through the Artifice Trainers.. this way, the special (+33) crystals would remain special and we all could be happy :) !!!




Make the Advanced Magenta Crystal receipes also available through other means such as (a) rare high level Treasure Hunting (Mission?) or by simply removing the BoP.

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Or..how about those crystals all are only gotten by Archaeology like every other crystal node in the game.


Then, make crafting sabers and refining the crystals part of the class quests like it should have been to start with. Seriously, creating your own crystals and lightsabers should have been your L10 class quest, not mucking around in some dusty tomb for a discarded relic. Having a friend with Artifice if you don't have it yourself would be required.



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Currently its.


BLUE. Lightside Only


GREEN. Lightside Only.


Black Core Green SWTOR Razor Product reward


Black Core Blue. Rakata/BM lvl weapons. (Republic)


Black Core Red. Rakata/BM lvl weapons. (Empire


Black Core Yellow. Pre Order Reward.


White. In-game but impossible to get as of now.


RED. Darkside Only.


ORANGE. usually inside Flashpoint weapons. and end lvl crafting.


YELLOW. usually inside Flashpoint weapons. and common crafting.


CYAN. Republic Side Tier 2 weapons for PVP/PvE


And lastly Purple. Empire Side Tier weapons for PvP and PvE with a Rumored Pattern Drop in one of the ops...



I find this dissapointing Purple is a current Empire Side only. Revan Used a Purple Saber. the Jedi Boss Magnus from Mandlorian Raiders Empire Side used a Purple Saber. MACE WINDU was the first person to have one in process of Lucas creating it. and he was a Jedi Master.

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I gotta say when I first saw the Yellow with black in it.. I was a bit disappointed, thats not a normal saber.. I really think the game should avoid the exotic 2 colors in 1 saber thing.. It just does not seem to fit with the Star Wars I know and love. Don't get me wrong its not a deal-breaker. It just seems a bit.. Kiddish?


does however fit with starwars lore, there are even black sabers

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seriously, don't complain about color crystals when at 9 AM there's a 2 hour queue in some servers.




This is such a minimal issue yet so many idiots want to whine about it. I have already come to terms with the fact that I cannot right now and possibly never will get a purple saber since my main is republic, but the cyan and magenta I do have is fine. considering most of the people here especially the op are not even 50 yet I would suggest they quit whining about minor issues (especially gear while leveling which is so incredibly inconsequential once you get to 50) and get back to leveling. There probably IS no good reason for the purple/cyan to be so rare, or for the other alignment restrictions either, however that is the way it is and there are a hell of a lot more things that need fixing over this. Go whin on the pvp forum about the war zone over queuing bug plz

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soon as I read the word GIVE i stopped reading.


I don't want to be GIVEN anything.


Sorry. just my 2¢s


Then maybe you should have, instead of just nagging at some random expression.


You'll see in this thread feedback to Bioware on how much players enjoy the purple (and other) color customization, and how it'd be lovely to have that available to a larger player base, instead of just a niche of second rate pvp weapon for Empire players.


You'll even read some good ideas, like the hability to customize color of weapon and armors dissociated with the +stats - which is a good one, since BW removed the 'match gear so it doesnt look like clown suit' option from the game.


Also, for the guy who said 'stop asking for crystal because there are servers with queues', eh... I do think Bioware has more than one single developer, so giving feedback on some art subject seriously won't impact on fixing real scalability code for server population or the dreaded FPS issue a lot of people has been meeting.

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